[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 case study Stage 1 (15 marks)- case study prepartion

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Stage 1 (15 marks)- case study prepartion
Familiarisation with the business and context. 5 marks
A description of what the business does (what does it sell, where it located? History if possible) 0.5
Evidence of little or no research background.
Information provided is insufficient and/or irrelevant.
Nature of the business and
Context is poorly understood (0)

Nature of the business and
context is well understood. (0.5)

What are the key goals? 0.5
Goals are irrelevant or poorly stated and evidently not understood
At least 3 relevant goals are identified and well stated

Who are the main stakeholders of the business? What value is likely being created for/by each of the various groups of stakeholders. 1.5
Few or no stakeholders are identified and no value descriptions
Most stakeholders identified and described but value descriptions are vague
List may be comprehensive but value is not addressed or not addressed well 0.1-1
Comprehensive list of stakeholders and value descriptions

Are there similar businesses nearby?What are they and where? (Hint: Google maps will be useful here) .5
No or very little research/only 1 or 2 businesses identified or those identified are irrelevant (0)
At least four other relevant businesses are identified in the area. (0.5)

How successful does the business appear to be? How satisfied are its customers? Provide justification for your answer (i.e. how do you know?) 2
Little or no evidence to support statement (0)
Some evidence to support statement
Well-developed evidence to support statement which indicates deep research and analytical thinking. Well presented argument (2)

Stage 2Activity systems 10 marks
Make a list of the activity systems you would expect to find in the business. Write one or two sentences to describe the process of the activity system.

Absent or sketchy such that the human activity system is not clearly specified.

Human activity system2 identified appropriate to the organization in the case but <4And/or not well explained/not all are relevant 0.5Human activity systems identified is appropriate to the organization in the case and well explained >4

Identify and describe problematic activity system and describe the issues.
Problematic activity system not identified or not realistic or not relevant
Problematic activity system identified but may not be well explained or defined.
The system identified may not be considered an activity system but maybe a mix of other systems.

Problematic activity system that is relevant and specifically described.


Draw a rich picture showing the issues and the concerns of the stakeholders you have identified.
Absent or drawn so poorly it provides little if any understanding of the activity system, stakeholders and issues. Does not communicate the situation very well, if at all.

Rich picture is reasonably clearly and hand-drawn or digitally producedbut could be improved in presentation. relevant (most or all) stakeholders are present. The world views of some/all of the stakeholders could be better articulated. The rich picture creates some understanding, but the real concerns are not fully clear. 2-3
Rich picture is clearly and neatly hand-drawn or digitally produced All relevant stakeholders are present. The world views of each of the stakeholders could be better articulated. The rich picture creates understanding of the situation but does not give full understanding. 3-4
Rich picture is clearly and neatly hand-drawn or digitally produced. All relevant stakeholders are present. The world views of each of the stakeholders is clearly articulated. The structure of the rich picture makes it clear how various stakeholders and activities are connected. The rich picture creates a clear shared understanding of the situation. 4- 5 marks
Draw a process model using the BMPn notation for the process of the problematic human activity system you have identified.
BPMN is absent or is not aligned with the human activity system identified as being problematic for the organization in the case and/or is hand-drawn

BPMN is produced digitally and assembled mostly using standardized representations and core elements, some representations may be incorrectly used or absent. BPMN may not cover all reasonably expected aspects of the human activity system correctly. May have messy unclear elements. Gives some idea of the process but not clear

BPMN is produced digitally and assembled well using standardized representations and core elements, making reasonably easy for technical and non-technical people to understand correctly the processes involved. There may be minor errors or structure can be improved or some element of the process may not be reasonable or there may be some disconnect with preceding information 3
BPMN is produced digitally and assembled well using standardized representations and core elements, making it easy for technical and non-technical people to understand correctly the processes involved
The BPMn integrates fully with preceding information about the organization in the case and Human activity system issues.
Deductions up to -1 for incomplete reflection, up to -2 for poor layout or poor grammar or untidy work.


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 case study Stage 1 (15 marks)- case study prepartion
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