[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 case study chain INFORMATION SYSTEMS T3, 2020

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*Pre-webinar workshop task for bonus marks.
Recommendation: what you should be working on
Assessed / bonus mark item Due
Objectives/comment for this module
Wk1 Monday 10-12 November 2
Module 0 About the course
*The six pre-webinar workshop tasks provide bonus marks (up to 2.5 for each task completed); totalling up to 15 bonus marks.
The bonus marks are used to ‘make up’ for lost marks the sum-total of other assessment items (case study assessment and at home exam). These exercises are optional. The aim is to provide opportunity for you to engage before class in content and to reflect on the concepts and your understanding of them.
By end of today
– Read module 1 from them
– Viewed the module 1 PowerPoint slides,
– Listened to module 1 pre-recorded short lecture and
do the focus questions while you listen to it.
Complete the first attempt of pre-webinar/workshop tasks for module 1 and upload the task before 9:00am tomorrow for bonus marks (Tuesday Nov 3)
Begin working on
Stage1 Case assessment (15%): case study preparation completing Questions on the Context of business a, b, c.
We discuss the course aims and expectations. We also discuss the assessment in the course and make sure that everyone understands what the course is about, and about how to best progress through the course.
Wk1 Tuesday 10-12 November 3
Module 1 Intro. to information systems
Pre-webinar/workshop Module 1: Use the Template provided with the task description to draw (hand draw and scan, ppt, or any other tools) an activity system diagram for a short scenario.
Remember to complete the item reflection at the bottom of the template
After today’s webinar workshop:
Review and fix (optional) (if need be):
your answers you gave in the first attempt of the pre-webinar task for module 1 and resubmit by 23:59 tonight.
Prepare for tomorrow’s class by:
– Reading the detailed lectures notes for the module
2, watched and listened to the module 2 pre- recorded short lecture and completed the matching focus questions.
– Completing the optional pre-webinar/workshop task module 2 for submission tomorrow 9:00am
Continue working on
– Stage1 Case assessment (15%): case study
preparation completing a) and b) of the section on activity systems.
Bonus marks task: 9:00am: submit first attempt of pre- webinar task for module 1 (optional) 23:59 resubmit (second attempt of pre-webinar task for module 1
– Be able to explain the concept of an
information system
– Be able to define a
human activity system and explain its significance in information systems
– Outline how an organization is
conceptualized within the field of information systems
– Draw an activity system diagram based on a
case study
– Explain the idea of an
information system diagram and an information model.
– Describe the purpose of each of the symbols
used in activity system diagrams

*Pre-webinar workshop task for bonus marks.
Recommendation: what you should be working on
Assessed / bonus mark item Due
Objectives/comment for this module
Wk1 Wednesday 10-12 November 4
Module 2 Rich Pictures
Pre-webinar/workshop Module 2: Use the Template provided Draw a rich picture for a short scenario.
After today’s webinar workshop:
Review and fix (optional) (if need be):
your answers you gave in the first attempt of the pre-webinar task for module 2 and resubmit.
Prepare for tomorrow’s class by:
– Reading the detailed lectures notes for the module
3, watched and listened to the module 3 pre- recorded short lecture and completed the matching focus questions.
– Completing the optional pre-webinar/workshop task module 3 for submission tomorrow 9:00am
Continue working on
– Stage1 Case assessment (15%): case study
preparation completing c) section on activity systems
Bonus marks task: 9:00am: submit first attempt of pre- webinar task for module 2 (optional)
23:59 resubmit (second attempt of pre-webinar task for module 2
• Be able to explain the importance of
understanding before
• Explain the purpose and
characteristics of a rich
• Draw a rich picture for a
Wk1 Thursday 11am -1pm November 5
Module 3 BPMN modelling
Pre-webinar/workshop Module 3: Use the Template provided to draw a BPMN diagram for two short scenarios
Due Monday 9:00am, submit via L@G
After today’s webinar workshop:
Review and fix (optional) (if need be):
your answers you gave in the first attempt of the pre-webinar task for module 3 and resubmit.
Continue working on
– Stage1 Case assessment (15%), refining your
answers and preparing for submission on Friday November 6 by 23:59
Bonus marks task: 9:00am: submit first attempt of pre- webinar task for module 3 (optional)
23:59 resubmit (second attempt of pre-webinar task for module 3
• Be able to explain the need for modeling in IS
• Use appropriate notation to draw a
process model from a case
Week 1 Friday November 6
Stage1 Case assessment (15%), refining your answers and preparing for submission before 23:59 tonight. Prepare for next week’s Monday class by:
– Reading the detailed lectures notes for the module
4, watched and listened to the module 4 pre- recorded short lecture and completed the matching focus questions.
Completing the optional pre-webinar/workshop task module 4 for submission by next Monday 9:00am
Stage1 Case assessment (15%), Submission tonight before 23:59
End of week 1

*Pre-webinar workshop task for bonus marks.
Recommendation: what you should be working on
Assessed / bonus mark item Due
Objectives/comment for this module
Wk2 Monday 10-12 November 9
Module 4 Data, Info, Knowledge and Decision Making
Pre-webinar/workshop Module 4: Use the Template provided.
Answer 7 questions in relation a short scenario.
After today’s webinar workshop:
Bonus marks task: 9:00am: submit first attempt of pre- webinar task for module 4 (optional)
• Be able to argue the case for the importance of information in organizations
• Explain the application of semiotics in
• Explain and apply
semiotic levels
• Discuss the process of
using data to decision-
• Explain the difference
among data, information
and knowledge
• List the types of
• Identify the types of
organizational knowledge in cases.
Wk2 Tuesday 10-12 November 10
Module 4 Data, Info., Knowledge and Decision Making
Pre-webinar/workshop Module 4: Use the Template provided to identify data, information and knowledge as it applies to decision making, for a short scenario.
After today’s webinar workshop:
Review and fix (optional) (if need be):
your answers you gave in the first attempt of the pre-webinar task for module 4 and resubmit.
Prepare for tomorrow’s class by:
– Reading the detailed lectures notes for the module
5, watched and listened to the module 5 pre- recorded short lecture and completed the matching focus questions.
Completing the optional pre-webinar/workshop task module 5 for submission tomorrow 9:00am
Bonus marks task:
23:59 resubmit (second attempt of pre-webinar task for module 4
• To describe the major stakeholders for
organization’s external
economic environments
• Describe how IS
supports competitive strategy through industry structure, competitive strategy, value chain and business processes
• Explain Porter’s 5 forces, Porter’s value model and explain how it applies to organizations
• Distinguish among value chain, supply and
customer chains

*Pre-webinar workshop task for bonus marks.
Recommendation: what you should be working on
Assessed / bonus mark item Due
Objectives/comment for this module
Wk2 Wednesday 10-12 November 11
Module 5 IS Competitive Advantage and Value- (Porter’s 5 forces)
Pre-webinar/workshop Module 5: Use the Template provided to analyse the competitive environment of a business scenario.
After today’s webinar workshop:
Begin working on
Stage 2 Case assessment (15% – Due 16 November) Competition and Competitive advantage 15%
Questions on the five-force analysis a) and b) competitive strategy
Bonus marks task: 9:00am: submit first attempt of pre- webinar task for module 5 (optional)
• To describe the major stakeholders for
organization’s external
economic environments
• Describe how IS
supports competitive strategy through industry structure, competitive strategy, value chain and business processes
• Explain Porter’s 5 forces, Porter’s value model and explain how it applies to organizations
• Distinguish among value chain, supply and
customer chains
Wk2 Thursday 11am-1pm November 12
Module 5 IS Competitive Advantage and Value- (Value chains)
After today’s webinar workshop:
Review and fix (optional) (if need be):
your answers you gave in the first attempt of the pre- webinar task for module 5 and resubmit.
Continue working on
Stage 2 Case assessment (15%) Competition and Competitive advantage 15%: Questions on the value chain c)
Bonus marks task:
23:59 resubmit (second attempt of pre-webinar task for module 5
Week 1 Friday November 13
Today: Stage2 Case assessment (15%), refining your answers and preparing for submission before 23:59 Monday 16 November, 23:59
Prepare for next week’s Monday class by:
– Reading the detailed lectures notes for the module 6, watched and listened to the module 6 pre- recorded short lecture and completed the matching focus questions.
Completing the optional pre-webinar/workshop task module 6 for submission by next Monday 9:00am
End of week 2

*Pre-webinar workshop task for bonus marks.
Recommendation: what you should be working on
Assessed / bonus mark item Due
Objectives/comment for this module
Wk. 3 Monday 10-12 November 16
Module 6 Info System Assessment, Impact and Success
Pre-webinar/workshop Module 6: Use the Template provided to answer questions about a business scenario. Due Monday 9:00am
After today’s webinar workshop:
Begin working on
Stage 3 Case assessment (20%) completing Questions a) on applying the DeLone and Mclean model of system success.
Bonus marks task: 9:00am: submit first attempt of pre- webinar task for module 6 (optional)
Stage2 Case assessment 20% Submission tonight before 23:59
• Discuss the success of IS in organizations using appropriate parameters
• Describe and apply the IS success model
• Explain context of use in terms of IS success
• Discuss the productivity
paradox, what it is and the possible reasons for it
• Explain development and use failures
• Apply a model to predict system failures
• Apply Mintzbergs’ organizational forms
Wk. 3 Tuesday 10-12 November 17
Module 6 Information System Assessment, Impact and Success (cont.)
After today’s webinar workshop:
Review and fix (optional) (if need be):
your answers you gave in the first attempt of the pre-webinar task for module 6 and resubmit.
Continue working on
Stage 3 Case assessment (20%) drafting a response to section b) (i)-(iv)
23:59 resubmit (second attempt of pre-webinar task for module 6
Wk. 3 Wednesday 10-12 November 18
In class review for exam and ongoing preparation for at home exam tomorrow.
Wk. 3 Thursday 10-12 November 19
At home exam. 30%
After exam, and until Monday 23 November, refine and complete the stage 3 case assessment in preparation for submission before 23:59 on Monday November 23
At home exam, Submission tonight before 23:59
End of T3 block 1 Friday 20 November.
Friday 20, Saturday 21, Sunday 22, Monday 23 November.
Stage 3 Case assessment (25%), Submission tonight before 23:59.



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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 case study chain INFORMATION SYSTEMS T3, 2020
30 $