[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 algorithm #include “airbrush.h”

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#include “airbrush.h”

#include // sqrt(), lround()
#include // std::min(), std::max()

// Put helper functions needed by this file only here in an anonymous namespace.
namespace {
typedef double real;

using graphics101::AirBrushShape;
using graphics101::ColorRGBA8;

* Falloff functions take a parameter `t`, guaranteed to be greater than or equal to zero,
* and return a number between 0 and 1.
* The return value should be 1 at the center and fall off to 0 when t >= 1.
real falloff_constant( real t )
// Your code goes here.

assert( t >= 0. );

return 1;

real falloff_linear( real t )
// Your code goes here.

assert( t >= 0. );

return 1;

real falloff_quadratic( real t )
// Your code goes here.

assert( t >= 0. );

return 1;

real falloff_special( real t )
// Your code goes here.

assert( t >= 0. );

return 1.;

real falloff( AirBrushShape shape, real t )
using namespace graphics101;

switch( shape ) {
case Constant: return falloff_constant(t);
case Linear: return falloff_linear(t);
case Quadratic: return falloff_quadratic(t);
case Special: return falloff_special(t);
assert(!”Invalid AirBrushShape. We shouldn’t be here.”);
return -1.;

int lerp( int a, int b, real t ) {
// Your code goes here.

// Don’t forget to round floating point numbers whose decimal part is >= 0.5 up.
return 0;

ColorRGBA8 composite( const ColorRGBA8& foreground, const ColorRGBA8& background ) {
// Your code goes here.

return ColorRGBA8(
// red
// green
// blue

namespace graphics101
void create_airbrush( Image& airbrush_out, AirBrushShape shape, int radius, ColorRGBA8 color )
assert( radius >= 0 );

// Step 1. Allocate space for the mask. Make a color image with 8 bits for red, green, blue, and alpha.
const int size = 1+2*radius;
if( airbrush_out.width() != size || airbrush_out.height() != size ) {
airbrush_out.resize( size, size );

// Step 2. Set the RGB contents of the image to the `color`’s RGB values.
// Set the alpha channel of the image to `color.a` scaled by the appropriate falloff.

// Your code goes here.

// For debugging, this may be useful:
// airbrush_out.save( “airbrush.png” );
// On a Mac, the file may be in “airbrush.app/Contents/MacOS/airbrush.png”.
// You can right-click or control-click on “airbrush.app”
// and choose “Show Package Contents” to see inside.

Rect paint_at( Image& image_to_modify,
const Image& airbrush_image,
int center_x,
int center_y

// Your code goes here.

assert( airbrush_image.width() % 2 == 1 );
assert( airbrush_image.height() % 2 == 1 );
assert( airbrush_image.width() == airbrush_image.height() );

const int radius = airbrush_image.width()/2;

// Step 1. Compute the start and end offsets into `image_to_modify` and `airbrush_image`
// that you will iterate over.

// Step 2. Modify `image_to_modify` pixels by compositing `airbrush_image`.

// Step 3. Return the rectange dimensions of the part of `image_to_modify` that was modified
// as a Rect.
return Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1 );

std::string StringFromAirBrushShape( AirBrushShape shape ) {
switch( shape ) {
case Constant: return “Constant”;
case Linear: return “Linear”;
case Quadratic: return “Quadratic”;
case Special: return “Special”;
assert(!”Invalid AirBrushShape. We shouldn’t be here.”);
return “Special”;

AirBrushShape AirBrushShapeFromString( const std::string& str ) {
if( str == “Constant” ) return Constant;
else if( str == “Linear” ) return Linear;
else if( str == “Quadratic” ) return Quadratic;
else if( str == “Special” ) return Special;
else {
assert(!”Invalid AirBrushShape. We shouldn’t be here.”);
return Special;


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 algorithm #include “airbrush.h”
30 $