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% Exercise 1:
% Solve the following nonlinear equation using the Newton method:
%x_1 x_2^2= 0
%x_1^2 + x_2^2 -2 = 0
% Start from the pointx = (1.5,0.5).

x = [1.5,0.5];
iter = 0;
maxiter = 6;

fprintf(Starting Point:
fprintf(x = %32.5e, %32.5e
, x);

while (iter < maxiter)iter = iter+1;Jacobian_f = [ 1., -2 * x(2); 2 * x(1), 2 * x(2) ];NewtonRHS = [x(1) – x(2) * x(2); x(1) * x(1) + x(2) * x(2) – 2.0];%Add commands to compute the Newton direction as the solution of the%Newton equations and use it to update the vector x%fprintf(‘Newton Method Iteration %4d: ‘, iter);fprintf(‘x = %32.5e, %32.5e
‘, x);end % while (iter < maxiter)


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