[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 module BoardTest where

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module BoardTest where

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Contrib.HUnit (fromHUnitTest)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Graph

import Types
import Constants
import Cell
import Board

Some defaults.

— All the cells.
startingCells :: [Cell]
startingCells = [(i, j) | i<-allColumns, j<-allRows]– All the edges.startingEdges :: [(Cell, Cell, [Cell])]startingEdges = [(c, c, adjacent c) | c<-startingCells]where adjacent :: Cell -> [Cell]
adjacent c = [c’ | c’<-startingCells, isAdjacent c c’]– A board (graph) formed from all the edges.startingBoard :: Board startingBoard = b where (b, _, _) = graphFromEdges startingEdges{-Unit tests.-}{-validStep :: Board -> Step -> Bool

validStepTestTrue1 :: Test
validStepTestTrue1 = let step = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1)) in
TestCase (assertBool “validStep startingBoard step” (validStep startingBoard step))

validStepTestTrue2 :: Test
validStepTestTrue2 = let step = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 2)) in
TestCase (assertBool “validStep startingBoard step” (validStep startingBoard step))

validStepTestFalse1 :: Test
validStepTestFalse1 = let step = ((‘a’, 1), (‘c’, 1)) in
TestCase (assertBool “not (validStep startingBoard step)” (not (validStep startingBoard step)))

validStepTestFalse2 :: Test
validStepTestFalse2 = let step = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 3)) in
TestCase (assertBool “not (validStep startingBoard step)” (not (validStep startingBoard step)))

reachableCells :: Board -> Cell -> [Cell]

reachableCellsTest1 :: Test
reachableCellsTest1 = let
c1 = (‘a’, 1)
c2 = (‘a’, 2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“c2 `elem` (reachableCells startingBoard c1)”
(c2 `elem` (reachableCells startingBoard c1)))

reachableCellsTest2 :: Test
reachableCellsTest2 = let
c1 = (‘a’, 1)
c2 = (‘b’, 1) in
TestCase (assertBool
“c2 `elem` (reachableCells startingBoard c1)”
(c2 `elem` (reachableCells startingBoard c1)))

reachableCellsTest3 :: Test
reachableCellsTest3 = let
c1 = (‘a’, 1)
c2 = (‘c’, 1) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (c2 `elem` (reachableCells startingBoard c1))”
(not (c2 `elem` (reachableCells startingBoard c1))))

reachableCellsTest4 :: Test
reachableCellsTest4 = let
c1 = (‘a’, 1)
c2 = (‘a’, 2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (c2 `elem` (reachableCells (removeStep startingBoard (c1, c2)) c1))”
(not (c2 `elem` (reachableCells (removeStep startingBoard (c1, c2)) c1))))

parallelSteps :: Board -> Step -> Step -> Bool

parallelStepsTrue1 :: Test
parallelStepsTrue1 = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘b’, 2)) in
TestCase (assertBool
“parallelSteps startingBoard step1 step2”
(parallelSteps startingBoard step1 step2))

parallelStepsTrue2 :: Test
parallelStepsTrue2 = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 2))
step2 = ((‘b’, 1), (‘b’, 2)) in
TestCase (assertBool
“parallelSteps startingBoard step1 step2”
(parallelSteps startingBoard step1 step2))

parallelStepsFalse1 :: Test
parallelStepsFalse1 = let
step1 = ((‘b’, 1), (‘c’, 1))
step2 = ((‘b’, 1), (‘a’, 1)) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (parallelSteps startingBoard step1 step2)”
(not (parallelSteps startingBoard step1 step2)))

parallelStepsFalse2 :: Test
parallelStepsFalse2 = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 2))
step2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘a’, 3)) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (parallelSteps startingBoard step1 step2)”
(not (parallelSteps startingBoard step1 step2)))

noCrossingWalls :: Board -> Step -> Step -> Bool

noCrossingWallsTrue :: Test
noCrossingWallsTrue = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘b’, 2)) in
TestCase (assertBool
“noCrossingWalls startingBoard step1 step2”
(noCrossingWalls startingBoard step1 step2))

noCrossingWallsFalse :: Test
noCrossingWallsFalse = let
stepRight1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
stepRight2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘b’, 2))
stepTop1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 2))
stepTop2 = ((‘b’, 1), (‘b’, 2))
wall = (stepRight1, stepRight2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (noCrossingWalls (placeWall startingBoard wall) stepTop1 stepTop2)”
(not (noCrossingWalls (placeWall startingBoard wall) stepTop1 stepTop2)))

validWallSteps :: Board -> Wall -> Bool

validWallStepsTrue :: Test
validWallStepsTrue = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘b’, 2))
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“validWallSteps startingBoard wall”
(validWallSteps startingBoard wall))

validWallStepsFalse :: Test
validWallStepsFalse = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 3))
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (validWallSteps startingBoard wall)”
(not (validWallSteps startingBoard wall)))

validWall :: Board -> Wall -> Bool

validWallTrue :: Test
validWallTrue = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘b’, 2))
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“validWall startingBoard wall”
(validWall startingBoard wall))

validWallFalse1 :: Test
validWallFalse1 = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 3))
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (validWall startingBoard wall)”
(not (validWall startingBoard wall)))

validWallFalse2 :: Test
validWallFalse2 = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 2))
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (validWall startingBoard wall)”
(not (validWall startingBoard wall)))

validWallFalse3 :: Test
validWallFalse3 = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘b’, 2))
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (validWall (placeWall startingBoard wall) wall)”
(not (validWall (placeWall startingBoard wall) wall)))

validWallFalse4 :: Test
validWallFalse4 = let
stepRight1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
stepRight2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘b’, 2))
stepTop1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 2))
stepTop2 = ((‘b’, 1), (‘b’, 2))
wallRight = (stepRight1, stepRight2)
wallTop = (stepTop1, stepTop2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (validWall (placeWall startingBoard wallRight) wallTop)”
(not (validWall (placeWall startingBoard wallRight) wallTop)))

removeStep :: Board -> Step -> Board

removeStepTest1 :: Test
removeStepTest1 = let step = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1)) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (validStep (removeStep startingBoard step) step)”
(not (validStep (removeStep startingBoard step) step)))

removeStepTest2 :: Test
removeStepTest2 = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 2)) in
TestCase (assertBool
“validStep (removeStep startingBoard step1) step2”
(validStep (removeStep startingBoard step1) step2))

placeWall :: Board -> Wall -> Board

placeWallTest1 :: Test
placeWallTest1 = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘b’, 2))
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (validStep (placeWall startingBoard wall) step1)”
(not (validStep (placeWall startingBoard wall) step1)))

placeWallTest2 :: Test
placeWallTest2 = let
step1 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 1))
step2 = ((‘a’, 2), (‘b’, 2))
step3 = ((‘a’, 1), (‘a’, 2))
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“validStep (placeWall startingBoard wall) step3”
(validStep (placeWall startingBoard wall) step3))

— All unit tests together.
boardUnitTests :: Spec
boardUnitTests = fromHUnitTest $
TestList [
TestLabel “validStepTestTrue1” validStepTestTrue1,
TestLabel “validStepTestTrue2” validStepTestTrue2,
TestLabel “validStepTestFalse1” validStepTestFalse1,
TestLabel “validStepTestFalse2” validStepTestFalse2,
TestLabel “reachableCellsTest1” reachableCellsTest1,
TestLabel “reachableCellsTest2” reachableCellsTest2,
TestLabel “reachableCellsTest3” reachableCellsTest3,
TestLabel “reachableCellsTest4” reachableCellsTest4,
TestLabel “parallelStepsTrue1” parallelStepsTrue1,
TestLabel “parallelStepsTrue2” parallelStepsTrue2,
TestLabel “parallelStepsFalse1” parallelStepsFalse1,
TestLabel “parallelStepsFalse2” parallelStepsFalse2,
TestLabel “noCrossingWallsTrue” noCrossingWallsTrue,
TestLabel “noCrossingWallsFalse” noCrossingWallsFalse,
TestLabel “validWallStepsTrue” validWallStepsTrue,
TestLabel “validWallStepsFalse” validWallStepsFalse,
TestLabel “validWallTrue” validWallTrue,
TestLabel “validWallFalse1” validWallFalse1,
TestLabel “validWallFalse2” validWallFalse2,
TestLabel “validWallFalse3” validWallFalse3,
TestLabel “validWallFalse4” validWallFalse4,
TestLabel “removeStepTest1” removeStepTest1,
TestLabel “removeStepTest2” removeStepTest2,
TestLabel “placeWallTest1” placeWallTest1,
TestLabel “placeWallTest2” placeWallTest2]


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[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 module BoardTest where
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