[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 assembler assembly compiler OSU CSE 2421

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OSU CSE 2421
There’s a good demo at:

Likely, one of the best 15 minutes you will spend this semester (on coursework).
GNU Makefile manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html For your reference

OSU CSE 2421
(e.g., printf() code)
Object Code (hello.o)
Type in program source code (file.c) using an editor of your choice; plain text
% gcc –o hello hello.c
Source code
.c + .h = .i which is the ultimate source code – i.e., #includes expanded and #defines replaced, comments removed
C syntax parser
.i → .s which is assembler source code
Assembly Code (hello.s)
Assembler code parser
.s → .o which is an object file; fragments of machine code with unresolved symbols, i.e., some addresses not yet known (vars/subrs).
Link Editor/ Linker
.o + library links a.out (default name); resolves symbols, generates an executable
% hello [executes the program]
Executable Code

OSU CSE 2421
 make is a utility for building and maintaining groups of programs (and other types of files) from source code
 The purpose of the make utility is to determine automatically which pieces of a large program need to be re-compiled and issue the commands necessary to recompile them.
 To use make, you must create a file call Makefile (or makefile)that describes the relationships among files in your program
 make decides whether a target needs to be regenerated by comparing file modification times
 gcc –ansi –pedantic –g –o system file1.c file2.c … file42.c…file150.c
J. E. Jones

OSU CSE 2421
 make is a Unix/linux utility, which is used to manage building (compilation) of programs, but it can do other things, too.
 It is very commonly used in industry in Unix/linux environments.
 For a large program, it is more efficient for the developer and the machine if the program is written as a number of smaller files; recompiling each of these various files that make up the program is only done when something changes which requires recompilation.
 This also promotes reusability of code, because source code for functions can be kept in separate files, and the file can be called and compiled in any program for which it is useful.
 Makefiles contain file dependency lists and UNIX commands and will run them in a specified sequence.
 Anything that can be entered at the UNIX/linux command prompt can be in the Makefile.
J. E. Jones

OSU CSE 2421
 The name of your Makefile must be: Makefile or makefile in this class (which are the two default options)
 The directory you put the Makefile in matters!
 You can only have one Makefile per directory.
 Asimplemakefileconsistsof“rules”withthefollowingformat:
target: dependencies … Unix/linux commands… …

target is usually the name of a file that is generated by a program; examples of targets are executable or object files. A target can also be the name of an action to carry out, such as ‘clean’. We are creating a .zip target in our Makefiles.
dependency is a file that is used as input to create the target. A target often depends on several files. Thus “dependencies” above.
Unix/linux command is an action that make carries out. More than one command, either on the same line or each on its own line can be listed
Note: you need to put a tab character at the beginning of every command line!
J. E. Jones

OSU CSE 2421
 To run make… you must be in the directory where the file Makefile is. (there are command line options to change this)
 make is a Unix/linux utility program
 Makefiles can only accept single line comments and they start with
 The command to run make on the Makefile file in a directory:
% make target Or
% make
Note: target is also called section name or tag-name, if no target is referenced, the first target in the Makefile is used.
J. E. Jones

OSU CSE 2421
 Let’s look at a program with multiple source files that could be built with make. Let’s suppose we want the executable to be called mkprog
/* mkfunc.h */
/* mkfact.c */
/* The header file contains function prototypes for all functions in the program, except main() and library functions
#include “mkfunc.h”
/* ” ”, not < > because it’s a local file */
int fact(int n) { if (n != 1) {
void print_hello(); int fact(int n);
return (n * fact(n – 1)); }
else return 1; }
J. E. Jones

OSU CSE 2421
/* mkhello.c */
/* mkmain.c */
#include “mkfunc.h” #include
#include “mkfunc.h” #include
void print_hello() { printf(“Hello World!
int main() {
printf(“5 factorial is %d”, fact(5)); return 0;
J. E. Jones

OSU CSE 2421
 Compiling our example from the command line would look like:
gcc -ansi -pedantic -o mkprog mkmain.c mkhello.c mkfact.c
 The more files needed to create an executable module (e.g., mkprog), the more likely it is that we will “fat finger” the command.
 The history feature of the bash shell, helps this some, but what if we haven’t compiled the program in the last 20 commands?
 “all” should be the default target for a makefile % make all
The make utility will execute this target, “all”, by default, if no other one is specified, so the following command has the same effect:
% make /* target “all” is implied */
 Using the –c option with gcc means that compilation of the specified file will stop when the .o file of the same name has been created (for example, gcc –c test.c creates test.o). No linking with other .o files is done.
J. E. Jones

OSU CSE 2421
# This is a Makefile for an executable called mkprog # mkprog is comprised of three .c files and one .h file
all: mkprog # we are creating mkprog with this makefile
#target mkprog must be re-created if mkmain.o, mkfact.o, or mkhello.o change mkprog: mkmain.o mkfact.o mkhello.o #mkprog needs 3 .o files
gcc mkmain.o mkfact.o mkhello.o -o mkprog #command to create mkprog #mkmain.o must be re-created if mkmain.c or mkfunc.h change
mkmain.o: mkmain.c mkfunc.h
gcc –ansi –pedantic –c mkmain.c # this command creates mkmain.o #mkfact.o must be re-created if mkfact.c or mkfunc.h change
mkfact.o: mkfact.c mkfunc.h
gcc –ansi –pedantic –c mkfact.c # this command creates mkfact.o #mkhello.o must be re-created if mkhello.c or mkfunc.h change
mkhello.o: mkhello.c mkfunc.h
gcc –ansi –pedantic –c mkhello.c # this command creates mkhello.o #clean is another target. It removes all created dependency files so that
#all files are forced to recompile
rm –rf *.o mkprog
J. E. Jones

OSU CSE 2421
 mkfunc.h
 #define MAX_ENTRIES 50
 mkmain.c
 main(){

int entries[MAX_ENTRIES]; for (i=0; i< MAX_ENTRIES; i++){} }J. E. Jones OSU CSE 2421# This is a Makefile for an executable called mkprog # mkprog is comprised of three .c files and one .h fileMust use a tab here NO spaces!all: mkprog # we are creating mkprog with this makefile#target mkprog must be re-created if mkmain.o, mkfact.o, or mkhello.o change mkprog: mkmain.o mkfact.o mkhello.o #mkprog needs 3 .o filesgcc mkmain.o mkfact.o mkhello.o -o mkprog #command to create mkprog #mkmain.o must be re-created if mkmain.c or mkfunc.h changemkmain.o: mkmain.c mkfunc.hgcc –ansi –pedantic –c mkmain.c # this command creates mkmain.o #mkfact.o must be re-created if mkfact.c or mkfunc.h changemkfact.o: mkfact.c mkfunc.hgcc –ansi –pedantic –c mkfact.c # this command creates mkfact.o #mkhello.o must be re-created if mkhello.c or mkfunc.h changemkhello.o: mkhello.c mkfunc.hgcc –ansi –pedantic –c mkhello.c # this command creates mkhello.o #clean is another target. It removes all created dependency files so that#all files are forced to recompileclean:rm –rf *.o mkprogJ. E. Jones OSU CSE 2421 # This is a Makefile for an executable called mkprog # mkprog is comprised of four .c files and one .h fileall: mkprogmkprog: mkmain.o mkfact.o mkhello.o mk_newfunc.ogcc mkmain.o mkfact.o mkhello.o mk_newfunc.o -o mkprogmkmain.o: mkmain.c mkfunc.hgcc –ansi –pedantic –c mkmain.cmkfact.o: mkfact.c mkfunc.hgcc –ansi –pedantic –c mkfact.cmkhello.o: mkhello.c mkfunc.hgcc –ansi –pedantic –c mkhello.cmk_newfunc.o: mk_newfunc.c mkfunc.hgcc –ansi –pedantic –c mk_newfunc.cclean:rm –rf *.o mkprogJ. E. Jones OSU CSE 2421  Based on the makefile above, make will create a dependency table:mkmain.o mkmain.c mkfunc.hmkfact.o mkfact.c mkfunc.hmkhello.o mkhello.c mkfunc.hmkprog*Using this table, make can determine what to recompile based on changes in any of the files.J. E. Jones OSU CSE 2421 % make cleanrm –rf *.o mkprog% makegcc -ansi -pedantic -c mkmain.cgcc -ansi -pedantic -c mkfact.cgcc -ansi -pedantic -c mkhello.cgcc mkmain.o mkfact.o mkhello.o -o mkprog % mkprogHello World!5 factorial is 120% makemake: Nothing to be done for ‘all’.J. E. Jones OSU CSE 2421 # comments in a Makefile start with sharp# target all means all targets currently defined in this file# we have 3 separate targets in this Makefile, our zip file and 2 executables all: lab2.zip bit_encode1 bit_encode2# this target is the .zip file that must be submitted to Carmen# if the dependencies (Makefile, bit_encode.c or LAB2README) change, a new zip file is created.lab2.zip: Makefile bit_encode.c LAB2READMEzip lab2.zip Makefile bit_encode.c LAB2README# this target is the bit decryption executable that doesn’t prompt for input bit_encode2: bit_decode2.ogcc bit_encode2.o -o bit_encode2# this target is the dependency for bit_encode2# we use “-o bit_encode2.o” here so that the .o file doesn’t have the same name as the .c file # most of the time we can use the default .o file, but in this instance, we are creating# two separate .o files using the same .c file, so we must specify a unique name for the .o file bit_encode2.o: bit_encode.cgcc -ansi -pedantic -g -c -o bit_encode2.o bit_encode.cJ. E. Jones OSU CSE 2421 # this target is the bit decryption executable that prompts for input from the keyboardbit_encode1: bit_encode1.ogcc bit_encode1.o -o bit_encode1# this target is the dependency for bit_encode1# we use “-o bit_encode1.o” here so that the .o file doesn’t# have the same name as the .c file# note that this compile includes “-D PROMPT” so that our code# once the #ifdef’s are written in the code compile with the statements included bit_encode1.o: bit_encode.cgcc -ansi -pedantic -D PROMPT -g -c -o bit_encode1.o bit_encode.c# this target deletes all files produced from the Makefile# so that a completely new compile of all items is required clean:rm -rf *.o bit_encode1 bit_encode2 lab2.zipJ. E. Jones OSU CSE 2421 # comments in a Makefile start with sharp# target all means all targets currently defined in this file# we have 3 separate targets in this Makefile, our zip file and 2 executables all: lab2.zip bit_encode1 bit_encode2 bit_decode# this target is the .zip file that must be submitted to Carmen# if the dependencies (Makefile, bit_decode.c or LAB2README) change, a new zip file is created.lab2.zip: Makefile bit_encode.c LAB2README bit_decode.czip lab2.zip Makefile bit_encode.c LAB2README bit_decode.c# this target is the bit decryption executable that doesn’t prompt for input bit_encode1: bit_encode1.ogcc bit_encode1.o -o bit_encode1# this target is the dependency for bit_encode1# we use “-o bit_encode2.o” here so that the .o file doesn’t have the same name as the .c file # most of the time we can use the default .o file, but in this instance, we are creating# two separate .o files using the same .c file, so we must specify a unique name for the .o file bit_encode1.o: bit_encode.cgcc -ansi -pedantic -g -c -o bit_encode1.o bit_encode.cJ. E. Jones OSU CSE 2421# this target is the bit decryption executable that prompts for input from the keyboard bit_encode2: bit_encode2.ogcc bit_encode2.o -o bit_encode2# this target is the dependency for bit_encode2# we use “-o bit_encode2.o” here so that the .o file doesn’t# have the same name as the .c file# note that this compile includes “-D PROMPT” so that our code # where we use ifdef’s gets includedbit_encode2.o: bit_encode.cgcc -ansi -pedantic -D PROMPT -g -c -o bit_encode2.o bit_encode.c# this target is the decode program bit_decode: bit_decode.ogcc bit_decode.o -o bit_decode# this target is the dependency for bit_decode.o bit_decode.o: bit_decode.cNotice we are using the default .o file here No –o option listed.gcc -ansi -pedantic -g -c bit_decode.c# this target deletes all files produced from the Makefile# so that a completely new compile of all items is required clean:rm -rf *.o bit_encode1 bit_encode2 bit_decode lab2.zipJ. E. Jones OSU CSE 2421  Over 10,000 lines of code 2 systems needed. About 750 linesof code different between the 2. AT&T systems GTE .c #ifdef GTE gcc –D GTE ……  gcc ……………… Code for Ethernet connection #else Code for AT&T network connection #endifJ. E. Jones


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[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 assembler assembly compiler OSU CSE 2421
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