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Module: PruneDepthTest.

Used to test Part I.c.
module PruneDepthTest where

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Contrib.HUnit (fromHUnitTest)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck

import Types
import Players.Minimax
import Util.Assertion
import Util.StateTreeInstances

type TestTree = StateTree Int Int

Unit tests.

— Tree of depth 0.
testTree0 :: TestTree
testTree0 = StateTree 6 []

— Tree of depth 1.
testTree1 :: TestTree
testTree1 = StateTree 8 [(1, testTree0), (3, testTree0)]

— Tree of depth 2.
testTree2 :: TestTree
testTree2 = StateTree 4 [(2, testTree1)]

— Tree of depth 3.
testTree3 :: TestTree
testTree3 = StateTree 1 [(5, testTree2), (7, testTree2), (1, testTree2)]

— Pruning at depth 0.
testPruneDepth0 :: Test
testPruneDepth0 = TestCase (assertEqual “pruneDepth 0 testTree3” depth 0)
depth = stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 0 testTree3)

— Pruning at depth 1.
testPruneDepth1 :: Test
testPruneDepth1 = TestCase (assertEqual “pruneDepth 1 testTree3” depth 1)
depth = stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 1 testTree3)

— Pruning at depth 2.
testPruneDepth2 :: Test
testPruneDepth2 = TestCase (assertEqual “pruneDepth 2 testTree3” depth 2)
depth = stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 2 testTree3)

— Pruning at depth 3.
testPruneDepth3 :: Test
testPruneDepth3 = TestCase (assertEqual “pruneDepth 3 testTree3” depth 3)
depth = stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 3 testTree3)

— All unit tests together.
pruneDepthUnitTests :: Spec
pruneDepthUnitTests = fromHUnitTest $
TestList [
TestLabel “testPruneDepth0” testPruneDepth0,
TestLabel “testPruneDepth1” testPruneDepth1,
TestLabel “testPruneDepth2” testPruneDepth2,
TestLabel “testPruneDepth3” testPruneDepth3]

QuickCheck tests.

— Pruning at depth 0 should always return trees of depth 0.
testPruneDepthQuickCheck0 :: TestTree -> Expectation
testPruneDepthQuickCheck0 t =
assertEqual “stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 0 t)” (stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 0 t)) 0

— Pruning at depth 5 should always return trees of depth less than 5.
testPruneDepthQuickCheck5 :: TestTree -> Expectation
testPruneDepthQuickCheck5 t =
assertLessThanEq “stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 5 t)” (stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 5 t)) 5

— Pruning at depth 10 should always return trees of depth less than 10.
testPruneDepthQuickCheck10 :: TestTree -> Expectation
testPruneDepthQuickCheck10 t =
assertLessThanEq “stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 10 t)” (stateTreeDepth (pruneDepth 10 t)) 10

— All QuickCheck tests together.
pruneDepthQuickCheckTests :: Spec
pruneDepthQuickCheckTests = do
prop “testPruneDepthQuickCheck0” testPruneDepthQuickCheck0
prop “testPruneDepthQuickCheck5” testPruneDepthQuickCheck5
prop “testPruneDepthQuickCheck10” testPruneDepthQuickCheck10


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[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 {-
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