[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 {-

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Module: Player.

A few utility functions to obtain and update player data.
module Player where

import Types
import Constants
import Cell
import Action
import Board

Related to ‘currentCell’.

— Given a list of players and a cell, returns the player in that cell if any or ‘Nothing’
— otherwise.
playerInCell :: [Player] -> Cell -> Maybe Player
playerInCell [] _ = Nothing
playerInCell (p:ps) c’
| currentCell p == c’ = Just p
| otherwise = playerInCell ps c’

— Similar to the one above but returns a boolean.
cellFree :: [Player] -> Cell -> Bool
cellFree [] c = True
cellFree (p:ps) c = (currentCell p /= c) && cellFree ps c

— Given a player, returns the cells adjacent to it.
adjacentCells :: Player -> [Cell]
adjacentCells p = cellsAroundInBoard (currentCell p)

Useful checks.

— The player has won if it is in one of the winning positions specified when it was created.
hasWon :: Player -> Bool
hasWon p = (currentCell p) `elem` (winningPositions p)

— Check if the player has got any walls left.
hasWallsLeft :: Player -> Bool
hasWallsLeft p = remainingWalls p > 0

— The player can move if the target cell is free.
canMove :: Player -> [Player] -> Step -> Bool
canMove p ps (cs, ce) =
(currentCell p == cs) && (cellFree ps ce) && (isAdjacent cs ce)

Updating the player.

— Adds one to Player variable turn.
nextTurn :: Player -> Player
nextTurn p = p { turn = (turn p) + 1 }

— Update current cell.
movePlayer :: Player -> Step -> Player
movePlayer p (_, c’) = p { currentCell = c’ }

— Subtract one from the number of walls remaining.
useWall :: Player -> Player
useWall p = p { remainingWalls = (remainingWalls p) – 1 }


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[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 {-
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