[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 {-

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Module: Cell

This file contains operations on cells.
module Cell where

import Data.Char

import Types
import Constants

Basic operations on columns.

— Convert column to integer (‘a’ -> 1, ‘b’ -> 2, …).
columnToInt :: Column -> Int
columnToInt c = (ord c) – (ord ‘a’) + 1

— Convert integer to column (1 -> ‘a’, 2 -> ‘b’, …).
intToColumn :: Int -> Column
intToColumn i = chr ((ord ‘a’) + i – 1)

— Return column on the left (‘b’ -> ‘a’, ‘c’ -> ‘b’, …).
columnLeft :: Column -> Column
columnLeft c = intToColumn ((columnToInt c) – 1)

— Return column on the right (‘a’ -> ‘b’, ‘b’ -> ‘c’, …).
columnRight :: Column -> Column
columnRight c = intToColumn ((columnToInt c) + 1)

Surrounding cells.

— Cell on the left.
cellLeft :: Cell -> Cell
cellLeft (i, j) = (columnLeft i, j)

— Cell on the right.
cellRight :: Cell -> Cell
cellRight (i, j) = (columnRight i, j)

— Cell on the top.
cellTop :: Cell -> Cell
cellTop (i, j) = (i, j + 1)

— Cell on the bottom.
cellBottom :: Cell -> Cell
cellBottom (i, j) = (i, j – 1)

— All surrounding cells.
cellsAround :: Cell -> [Cell]
cellsAround c = [cellLeft c, cellRight c, cellTop c, cellBottom c]

Cells in board.

Note that so far we haven’t checked if the cell is actually in the board, we do
so using the following functions.

— Checks if cell is within bounds using ‘boardSize’ from Constants.hs.
cellInBoard :: Cell -> Bool
cellInBoard (i, j) =
(columnToInt i) >= 1 && (columnToInt i) <= boardSize && j >= 1 && j <= boardSize– List of cells around a cell that are contained in the board.cellsAroundInBoard :: Cell -> [Cell]
cellsAroundInBoard c = filter cellInBoard (cellsAround c)

Distance between cells and adjacency.

— ‘Taxicab’ distance between cells.
distance :: Cell -> Cell -> Int
distance (i, j) (i’, j’) = abs ((columnToInt i’) – (columnToInt i)) + abs (j’ – j)

— A quick way of computing: c `elem` (cellsAround c’).
isAdjacent :: Cell -> Cell -> Bool
isAdjacent c c’ = distance c c’ == 1

— Two cells are next to each other in the same row.
isHorizontallyAdjacent :: Cell -> Cell -> Bool
isHorizontallyAdjacent c c’ = (c == cellLeft c’) || (c == cellRight c’)

— Two cells are next to each other in the same column.
isVerticallyAdjacent :: Cell -> Cell -> Bool
isVerticallyAdjacent c c’ = (c == cellBottom c’) || (c == cellTop c’)

Going from cells to indices (nodes in a Graph) and backwards.

— Convert cell to index ((‘a’, 1) -> 0, (‘a’, 2) -> 1, …).
cellToIndex :: Cell -> Index
cellToIndex (i, j) = boardSize * ((columnToInt i) – 1) + (j – 1)

— Convert index to cell (0 -> (‘a’, 1), 1 -> (‘a’, 2), …).
indexToCell :: Index -> Cell
indexToCell idx = (intToColumn (i + 1), j + 1)
(i, j) = divMod idx boardSize


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[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 {-
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