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Module: Main.

This is the module that needs to be compiled in order to play the game. It implements the
interactive components.
module Main where

import Data.Char
import Data.String
import Data.Graph
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Random

import Types
import Constants
import Cell
import Player
import Players.Human
import Players.Dumb
import Players.Minimax
import Players.Reed
import Game
import Print

Some defaults to be able to play.

All the cells.
startingCells :: [Cell]
startingCells = [(i, j) | i<-allColumns, j<-allRows]– All the edges.startingEdges :: [(Cell, Cell, [Cell])]startingEdges = [(c, c, adjacent c) | c<-startingCells]where adjacent :: Cell -> [Cell]
adjacent c = [c | c<-startingCells, isAdjacent c c’]– A board (graph) formed from all the edges.startingBoard :: Board startingBoard = b where (b, _, _) = graphFromEdges startingEdges– Takes two player ‘constructors’ (e.g. makeHumanPlayer, makeMinimaxPlayer, …) and returns a list– of two players named “X” and “Y” that start from the middle column in the top and the bottom row– respectively.startingPlayersMiddle :: (String -> Cell -> Int -> [Cell] -> Player) ->
(String -> Cell -> Int -> [Cell] -> Player) -> [Player]
startingPlayersMiddle ctr1 ctr2 =
[ctr1 X (middleColumn, firstRow) wallsPerPlayer winningX,
ctr2 Y (middleColumn, lastRow) wallsPerPlayer winningY]
middleColumn = intToColumn ((div boardSize 2) + 1)
winningX = [(i, lastRow) |i<-allColumns]winningY = [(i, firstRow) | i<-allColumns]– Translates a string to the corresponding player constructor, useful for initialisation.nameToPlayerConstructor :: String -> Maybe (String -> Cell -> Int -> [Cell] -> Player)
nameToPlayerConstructor Human = Just makeHumanPlayer
nameToPlayerConstructor Dumb = Just makeDumbPlayer
nameToPlayerConstructor Minimax = Just makeMinimaxPlayer
nameToPlayerConstructor Reed = Just makeReedPlayer
nameToPlayerConstructor _ = Nothing

Interactive part of the code. This is what makes the game playable.

Game loop. It proceeds in several steps:
1. Checks if the game is over. If not, continues.
2. Prints the state of the game.
3. Reads the command and processes it, updating the game (and the turn).
4. Back to 1.
play :: Game -> IO ()
play g@(Game b ps) =
let p1 = currentPlayer ps
p2 = previousPlayer ps in
if (hasWon p2)
then do {putStrLn (
Player ++ (name p2) ++ wins.); printGame g }
else do {
putStrLn (
Player ++ (name p1) ++ s turn.); printGame g;
r <- evalRandIO rand;if (isHuman p1) then do {command<-getLine; playCommand p1 b ps command r }else do {playCommand p1 b ps “” r } }where — Calls chooseAction (from current player) and if the action is valid, calls performAction.playCommand :: Player -> Board -> [Player] -> String -> Int -> IO ()
playCommand p b ps command r =
case (chooseAction p b ps command r) of
Nothing -> do { putStrLn Invalid input.; play g }
Just a ->
case (performAction g a) of
Nothing -> do { putStrLn Invalid action.; play g }
Just g -> do {play g}

Simple random number generator (can be used by the player).
rand :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Int
rand = getRandomR (0, 10000)

This is the function that you should run to play the game. It asks about the type of game you
want to play and then calls the main game loop.
main :: IO ()
main = do {
putStrLn What kind of player is player X? (Human/Dumb/Minimax/Reed);
playerX<-getLine;putStrLn “What kind of player is player Y? (Human/Dumb/Minimax/Reed)”;playerY<-getLine; case (nameToPlayerConstructor playerX, nameToPlayerConstructor playerY) of (Just ctrX, Just ctrY) -> do {play (Game startingBoard (startingPlayersMiddle ctrX ctrY)) }
_ -> do {putStrLn Unrecognised player type. Try again.; main } }


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