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Module: Game.

Functions used in the game loop to change the game state.
module Game where

import Types
import Constants
import Action
import Board
import Player

performAction and helpers.

The current player is the first element in the players list.
currentPlayer :: [Player] -> Player
currentPlayer = head

The previous player is the last element in the players list.
previousPlayer :: [Player] -> Player
previousPlayer = last

The player that just played goes to the back of the list. Used to change turn.
rotatePlayers :: [Player] -> [Player]
rotatePlayers [] = []
rotatePlayers (p:ps) = ps ++ [p]

A step action is valid if the step is valid and no other player is in the target cell (canMove).
validStepAction :: Game -> Step -> Bool
validStepAction (Game b ps) s = (canMove (currentPlayer ps) ps s) && (validStep b s)

Generate all valid steps at a game state.
validSteps :: Game -> [Action]
validSteps g@(Game b ps) = map Move (filter (validStepAction g) steps)
steps = let p = currentPlayer ps in makeSteps (currentCell p) (adjacentCells p)

A wall action is valid if the wall is valid and player has walls remaining.
validWallAction :: Game -> Wall -> Bool
validWallAction (Game b ps) w = (hasWallsLeft (currentPlayer ps)) && (validWall b w)

Generate all valid walls at a game state.
validWalls :: Game -> [Action]
validWalls g = map Place (filter (validWallAction g) walls)
walls = concat [[wallRight c, wallTop c] | c<-[(i, j) | i<-allColumns, j<-allRows]]– Generate all valid actions at a game state.validActions :: Game -> [Action]
validActions g = (validSteps g) ++ (validWalls g)

Key function. Given a game and an action, checks the validity of the action and applies it to the
game, generating a new game.
performAction :: Game -> Action -> Maybe Game
performAction g@(Game b (p:ps)) (Move s)
|validStepAction g s =
Just (Game b (rotatePlayers ((movePlayer (nextTurn p) s):ps)))
| otherwise = Nothing
performAction g@(Game b (p:ps)) (Place w)
|validWallAction g w =
Just (Game (placeWall b w) (rotatePlayers ((useWall (nextTurn p)):ps)))
| otherwise = Nothing


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