[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (139 unread)

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10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (139 unread)
Clarifications on the assignment text
I have a few questions regarding homework 2.
Can you please provide clarity on the objective of single move problems? I was wondering whether it is to check for legal moves or to find the best move by going as deep as possible in the search tree (within the time limit).
When would we get access for homework 2 on vocareum?
I had a few questions regarding the master agent and the reference agent designed by TAs
Do we get to test our code in vocareum with an agent? This is because we do not have any examples in the assignment text for the game scenario and I would like to test my solutions before submitting once.
Will the agent designed by the TA contain a cutoff test and an evaluation function? Or will it generate the entire search tree and then decide on the next move?
Does the agent designed get any notification on the end of the time limit? Say, a SIGTERM is sent to the agent process when the time limit is reached.
Updated 13 days ago by Anonymous
the students’ answer, where students collectively construct a single answer
For the two unanswered questions:
Do we get to test our code in vocareum with an agent? This is because we do not have any examples in the assignment text for the game scenario and I would like to test my solutions before submitting once.
The homework description does not say we do, so I would assume no. However, it seems like we can run our agent against other classmates’ agents as long as the code is not exposed and the other integrity guidelines are followed. See @222
Will the agent designed by the TA contain a cutoff test and an evaluation function? Or will it generate the entire search tree and then decide on the next move? I think you should think about what generating the entire search tree means computationally.
Updated 10 days ago by Ryan Thomas
the instructors’ answer, where instructors collectively construct a single answer

10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (139 unread)
followup discussions for lingering questions and comments
Aarju Goyal 12 days ago
I have the same questions, instructors kindly answer.
Anonymous 12 days ago
Can someone please answer these questions?
We have two game playing agents, one programmed by @Bo Wang , the other by me. They have evaluation functions and play minimax. Nobody gets SIGTERM or any other signals from the master agent, you have to manage the time yourselves.
For Single mode, see @328
For Vocareum questions, paging @Qian Wang
To reply your first question regarding single mode, As mentioned in the HW description, you lose point “if your agent returns an illegal move, a badly formatted output.txt, or does not return before its time is up”. That is it.
Updated 5 days ago by Toy Leksut and 2 others


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[SOLVED] CS代考程序代写 10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (139 unread)
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