[SOLVED] CS代写 Week 14/16 Assessed Coursework MIPS

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Week 14/16 Assessed Coursework MIPS
Deadline Friday Week 16 (25/2/21)
Your task for this exercise is to build drawing board that interacts via the command line, using the Bitmap Display you saw in week 12 and the syscall function built into MIPS. Your program should display a string (essentially a menu) of instructions on the screen using syscall, then accept a user input of an integer in order to determine what action (cls, row, column, triangle, exit) to carry out. A second integer input will enable the user to select a colour – there must be at least 2 colours used.
The figure below shows an advanced program that can draw multiple user defined triangles.

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

Marking Scheme
Figure 1 Drawing on screen in
Functionality 50% Code design 20% Commenting, clarity 20% Questions 10%
The details of each category can be seen on the following page.

A Fulfils requirements for B. Can accept multiple numerical inputs to define the growth rate, start position (row and column) and colour of a triangle. Can repeat this selection to draw multiple triangles.
B Fulfils requirements for C. Can select cls, row and column options. Can choose colour of screen or position of row/column. Can deal with a bad option by exiting or repeating question. Can repeat option selection.
D The menu is printed to the screen using syscall, and the background is coloured in a single colour (not blue or black). The read integer is attempted, and tells the screen to colour. May demonstrate these elements separately.
Code design
A Uses spill when calling procedure(s) if required. Uses procedure(s) effectively. B Makes good use of one procedure and labels. Very little repeated code.
C Implements loops using branch and labels well. May have some repeated code. D No structure to code. Significant repeated code.
A Clear structure (and helpful comments) about variable use. Well commented throughout. Spaced and organised for clarity.
B Good use of comments. Reasonable organisation, can follow program reasonably well. Variable use is sensible (ie $a for passing in and $v to return from parameter).
C Sparse or sometimes unhelpful comments. Some consistency in use of variables. Some effort at organisation.
D Few comments. Difficult to read code.
Successfully prints instructions, inputs the cls option and responds by colouring screen. Allows the user to input screen colour repeatedly (doesn’t need to repeatedly select option, only colour) and responds to that, changing the colour, features at least 3 colour options. Exits the program properly.

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[SOLVED] CS代写 Week 14/16 Assessed Coursework MIPS
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