[SOLVED] CS代写 Computer Organization, Spring 2022

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Computer Organization, Spring 2022
LAB 5 : 5-Stage Pipeline Processor
Due : 2022/6/1 23:59
In this lab you should modify the Single Cycle CPU designed from Lab4 and implement a 5-stage Pipeline Processor with IF, ID, EX, MEM and WB stages. For a pipeline processor design, a pipeline register module between each 2 stages is required and the pipeline registers are written when each positive clock edge is triggered. You also need to implement forwarding unit and hazard detection unit.

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

2. Attached file
● Lab5Answer(Don’tmodifythesefile)
● Lab5Code(Yourcodeshouldputinhere) ● lab5TestScript.sh
● readme.txt

3. HW Requirement
(1.) Please use the lab5TestScript.sh we provide you. (2.) Please implement below
● ALU_Ctrl.v
● Decoder.v
● Forwarding.v
● Hazard_detection.v ● Imm_Gen.v
● MUX_2to1,3to1.v ● Shift_Left_1.v
● Pipeline_CPU.v
● IFID_register.v
● IDEXE_register.v
● EXEMEM_register.v ● MEMWB_register.v
(3.) Testcase
● Basictestcase(withoutdatadependency)(30%)
● Mediumtestcase(withdatadependency)(40%)
○ Case7~10
● Advancedtestcase(30%)
○ Case11~13
○ Load-use
○ beqandjalinstruction
4. How to test
You can use any HDL simulator(Model Sim / Vivado / ISE), but also need to test your code with lab5TestScript.sh (Only run in UNIX like OS). (TA’s environment : Ubuntu 20.0.4)
❖ We do not answer the bug of HDL simulator
❖ Do not modify *.txt file Command:
$ chmod +x ./lab5TestScript.sh && ./lab5TestScript.sh

● Thelastlineisyourscore
5-Stage Pipeline Processor (80%) Report (20%)
● Detaileddescriptionoftheimplementation ● Implementationresults
● Problemsencounteredandsolutions
❖ Late submission: 10% penalty per day ❖ No plagiarism, or you will get 0 points
6. Hand in
● Zipyourfolderandnameitas “$(groupN)_$(studentid1)_$(studentid2).zip”
(e.g. 1_109000001_109000002.zip) before uploading to e3. Other filenames and formats such as *.rar and *.7z are NOT accepted
○ report.pdf
● YourreportshouldbeinPDFformat.

● FeelfreetoaskonHackMDifyouneed. ○ Lab5討論區
● Wewillnotdebugforyou.
8. Reference
● RISC-Vcard

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS代写 Computer Organization, Spring 2022
30 $