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Ukraine on Twitter¶
A Washington Post article is titled “Social media fuels new type of ‘fog of war’ in Ukraine conflict” with the subtitle – “Twitter, Telegram and Twitch make following war faster and easier than ever, but also are vulnerable to rapid-fire disinformation”.

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 powcoder

We look at recent tweets on Twitter using the query:

‘ukrain (fake OR misinform)’ i.e. looking for tweets that mention “ukrain” AND (“fake” OR “misinform”)
‘ukrain -(fake OR misinform)’ i.e. looking for tweets that mention “ukrain” AND NOT (“fake” OR “misinform”)

Task 1 – Think¶
Given accounts spreading fake Tweets won’t list themselves as being fake, why would searching for the string “fake” be useful?
What time range do we cover in urkaine.json?

Task 2 – Label the tweets¶
Please label the tweets in the data, according to the text of the Tweet, into which query do you believe was used to collect that particular tweet.
Please identify the hashtags associated with both groups of tweets.
Please compare the hashtags

程序代写 CS代考加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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