[Solved] Creating an application that accepts product data and displays this information

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You have been tasked with creating an application that accepts product data and displays this information. The application also computes average sales and shipping charges. Using appropriate control structures, enhance your product class to include the 2 new methods designed in an earlier task.The computeAverageSales() method should use sentinel-controlled repetition to allow a user to enter product sales data until the user has indicated that he or she is done. The average of the entered sales data will be computed and returned by the method to be displayed by the application. For example, if the user entered 500.50, 250.50, and 300.30, then the average sales would be computed for these 3 values and returned by the method. The prompting of the sales data is done within the method. If the value of the average sales exceeds $200.00, a message should be displayed to alert the user that the product has produced a significant amount of revenue. The computeAverageSales() method should return type “double.”The computeShippingCharges() method should use sentinel-controlled repetition, to allow a user to enter shipping data until the user has indicated that he or she is done. The total shipping charges will be computed and returned as a double value.Modify your application to call the computeAverageSales() and computeShippingCharges() methods.As a result of these modifications, the following requirements should be met:1.Your application should use the class you created in the earlier tasks. Your class represents one product that your company sells. Your class should have at least 3 attributes (instance variables). Getters and setters for each instance variable should be provided. Attributes should be appropriately typed and scoped to incorporate data hiding. Appropriate constructors should be implemented by each class and called by the application.2.The application should provide a user-friendly interface that allows the user to input data for at least 2 instances of your product class.3.Data validation should be incorporated at the time of data entry. At least one error-checking condition must be incorporated to allow the user to reenter a data value that is not valid.4.Constructors should be called to create instances of your classes once the user has entered valid data. The valid data should be used appropriately by the constructors.5.After product information has been entered and displayed, your application should allow the user to compute average sales and shipping charges. The application should call the computeAverageSales() and computeShippingCharges() methods. a.There is no limit to the number of orders placed for each product. Using sentinel-controlled repetition, the computeAverageSales() method should allow a user to enter product sales data until the user has indicated that he or she is done. The average of the entered sales data will be computed and returned by the method to be displayed by the application. For example, if the user entered 500.50, 250.50, and 300.30, then the average sales would be computed for these 3 values and returned by the method. The prompting of the sales data is done within the method. If the value of the average sales exceeds $200.00, a message should be displayed to alert the user that the product has produced a significant amount of revenue.b.The computeShippingCharges() method should use sentinel-controlled repetition to allow a user to enter shipping data until the user has indicated that he or she is done. The total shipping charges will be computed and returned as a double value. The application will display the computed shipping charges.Your code should be well commented. Use the following steps to guide your work:•Compile all of your pseudocode from the earlier IPs into a design document. Your design document should have a section that includes the functional requirements and any class diagrams used to describe the system. Include any design requirements imposed by your technical leadership.•Use NetBeans IDE (Click here if you have not installed) to edit, compile and run your Java code.•Take screenshots to show your code, successful compile, and successful run. Click here for how to make a screenshot on a PC or here on a Mac.•Insert the screenshots into the Word document.Finally, save your Word document as “yourname_IP4.docx”. Click the “Edit” button on this submission node to submit the saved document.

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[Solved] Creating an application that accepts product data and displays this information
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