[Solved] CPT120 Assignment3


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In places where this specification may not tell you how exactly you should implement a certain feature, the programmer (you) need to use your judgment to choose and apply the most appropriate concepts from class materials. Follow answers given by your client or supervisor (you instructor) under CanvasDiscussionsAssignment 3 when in doubt.

4.1) The following code requirements/concepts must be applied to demonstrate your knowledge of standard lesson materials and approaches; must refer to corresponding rows in the rubric (section 9) for full details.

C1) Multi-class object oriented relationships and code format.

C2) Object member variables.

C3) Constructors.

C4) Accessors, mutators and other methods.

C5) File reading and/or writing.

C6) Conditional execution and repetition.

4.2) Documentation requirements. Must refer to corresponding rows in the rubric (section 9).

D1. The code comments in this assignment must focus more on the analysis of your approaches and their evaluation instead of simply translating the Java code to English (see rubric in section 9 of this document; examples will also be given in lessons). Write comments before code blocks (e.g. before methods, loops, ifs, etc. where you can have { }) and important variable declarations.

D2. Explain any code requirements that you have not met and all bugs (situations that might cause the program to crash or behave abnormally) in the approximate locations they originate within your code. Bugs imposed by limitations in the lesson topics such as input type mismatches need not be corrected in code but they still must be documented, if they exist. If you do not have bugs, you must explicitly say that there are none. Tip: A good programmer knows the limits of their program. If doing B2, explain any standard code requirements that you may have violated due to the bonus requirements.

4.3) Bonus requirementsYou can attempt either B1, B2 or both but to obtain any bonus marks, you must meet all requirements of the nonbonus/standard requirements. The total mark for assignments+weekly work (the non-exam component) is capped at 50 marks; the exam will be 50 marks. For a full break-down, see CanvasHomeSyllabus.B1. Submit your final version of the assignment, 1 week before the deadline for +0.5 bonus marks or 2 weeks before the deadline for +1 bonus marks or 3 weeks before the deadline for +1.5 bonus marks.B2. Incorporation of algorithms (+1.5 bonus marks) At least 2 working days before the deadline, write an email using your official RMIT email address to Gayan, pitching an idea of how you will incorporate an algorithm or algorithms from the approved list of algorithms (see end of this document) to your program. You must be detailed in your description of why this algorithm is relevant to your program and give a rough explanation of how you will incorporate it. If approved, submit a copy of your program via email (Canvas inbox not accepted) to Gayan, in addition to submitting via Canvas. If you choose to incorporate this bonus functionality, your bonus version should be the only version that you must submit. Please do not include multiple versions of your code in the Canvas final submission.


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[Solved] CPT120 Assignment3