In todays lab, we will read in a file using C++ and then perform a basic Bubble Sort
Lab Objectives
- C++ File I/O
- Reading and writing to and from files
- Write a bubble sort routine
Prior to Beginning This Lab
Make sure you can read in and write out to files in C++.
Read more here:
Lab Instructions
Create two files, functions.cpp and driver.cpp. I am providing you with functions.h and a sample data.txt
You will be given an input file that contains the data for a group of students. The name of the input and output file will be determined by command line argument.
You may only use C++ style file I/O to manipulate data. You may not use printf or scanf in your program. Additionally, if you use the C++ sort() function, you will receive a zero.
Your Objectives
- Write a function that reads the data from the input file.
- Write a bubble sort function, sorting the student data by last name in ascending order Write a bubble sort function, sorting the student data by last name in descending order
- Write a function that prints the sorted data.
Example data file:
Yvon Feaster 10 7 1963
Toby Dean 10 16 1962
Mitch Rap 12 15 1959
All data will be in this format.
Bubble Sort
Bubble sort is a simplistic sorting algorithm which allows us to rearrange the elements of our array into sorted order in O(n2) time. This big-oh notation tells us the upper bound time complexity of our algorithm. All that really means is, given some problem which has a size n, the time it takes to solve the problem is no worse than order of n2.
For example, if we had 10 numbers to sort, the time complexity of bubble sort tells us that it will require somewhere in the ball-park of 100 operations to completely sort them. This description is simplistic and incomplete, but it does capture the main idea: higher time complexity means higher worst case time to solve a problem. Notice how big n2 becomes as n grows large (n = 1,000 n2 = 1,000,000). The best comparison based sorting algorithm quicksort has time complexity O(n log(n)), which is much fast as n grows large.
For bubble sort, the idea is we scan through the array and allow large values to bubble up to the end of the list.
The basic pseudo-code for this algorithm is as follows:
bubble_sort( array, length ) { while ( number_swaps != 0 ) { number_swaps = 0
for ( index, index < length 1, index++ ) {
if array[index] > array[index+1] swap; number_swaps++
} }
We keep looping through the array until we do not perform any swaps. At the end of the algorithm, the numbers are sorted from left to right, smallest to largest.
Write a function that implements this algorithm.
Header Files and Header Guard
Each function should have its prototype defined in the functions.h file. At this point, we should be following best practice for maintaining our source code, and using header guards.
This protects us from multiple definition errors when compiling.
You should also comment your code similar to the example given below.
Before each function, in the functions.h file, you should have a detailed description of what the overall function does. To borrow from another students code, here is an example of overall function description.
/* Parameters: img image_t pointer array holding the image data for
- each of the input files
- Return: output image_t struct containing output image data
- This function averages every pixels rbg values from each of the
- input images and puts those averages into a single output image
You are required to have this type of comment block before each function.
Also, if you include comments in the body of the function (and you should) they should be placed above the line of code not beside the code.
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