[Solved] CPSC 349: Front-End Web Engineering Homework 8


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In the Tic-Tac-Toe tutorial you followed at the Reactjs.org site, you built a Tic-Tac-Toe game that calculated who was the winner, disallowed moves after someone had won, and had a time machine that allowed a user to back up and try different combinations of moves.

In doing so, you learned some basic features about ReactJS. The game, though, lacked some other basic features, such as:

  1. It only allowed 3 x 3 grids (which IS the standard).
  2. it didnt list the coordinates of each move (row, col).
  3. It didnt bold the currently selected move in the move list.
  4. It hardcoded the creation of the grid, instead of using two for loops.
  5. It sorted the moves in descending order (which actually makes sense most of the time) It didnt highlight the squares that caused the winning move.
  6. It didnt display a message about draws (aka Cats games).

In this homework assignment, you will correct each of these deficiencies. Note, they are listed in order of increasing difficulty.

For extra credit, you can add AI to your game so the computer plays against you. If you allow the computer to go first, the game will be more difficult for you to win.


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[Solved] CPSC 349: Front-End Web Engineering Homework 8