• Familiarization and practice with key/value association data structure usage and binary
search tree concepts
• Familiarization and practice using the same key across associative containers to join the
contents into a single view• Familiarization and practice using the STL’s map container interface
• Reinforce the similarities and differences between sequence and associative containers
• Reinforce reading persistent data from disk files and storing in memory resident data
• Reinforce modern C++ object-oriented programming techniquesThis GroceryStore Inventory project builds on the GroceryItem, Shopping Cart, and GroceryItemDatabase from
previous assignments by adding the maintenance of a grocery store’s inventory at the
checkout counter. Here you are given a collection of customers (e.g., Woodstock, Lucy,
Carlie) pushing their shopping cart, each already filled with the groceries from their
shopping list.Each customer goes through the checkout line where the groceries are
scanned and a receipt is given. As groceries are scanned, the store’s inventory is updated by reducing
the number of groceries on hand for that grocery item. At the end of the day after all customers have been processed,
you take inventory and reorder groceries that are getting low.You are provided with starter code that together with your work from previous assignments form your point of
departure to complete this assignment.
1. main.cpp – Function main() orchestrates the flow of execution. A partial
implementation has been provided. You are to complete the implementation.2. GroceryItem.hpp/GroceryItem.cpp – Reuse the GroceryItem class from your
previous assignments. Unless you find an error or omission in your code, these
files should require no modification.3. GroceryItemDatabase.hpp/GroceryItemDatabase.cpp – A partial implementation of the GroceryItemDatabase
class has been provided. The previous assignment used the sequence container std::vector for the memory
resident database.This assignment uses the associative container std::map, a binary search tree, associating a
UPC with a grocery item. An updated GroceryItemDatabase.hpp incorporating this change is provided and
requires no modifications. You are to modify GroceryItemDatabase.cpp by completing the implementation.Leverage the code you wrote in the last assignment adjusting for std::map vice std::vector. Function find(), for
example, will no longer be implemented as a recursive linear search function. Instead, it should delegate to the
map’s binary search function find(). If duplicate keys are discovered during construction, use the first occurrence.4. GroceryStore.hpp/GroceryStore.cpp – A partial implementation of the GroceryStore class has been provided.
You are to complete the implementation. GroceryStore.hpp requires no modifications. You are to modify
GroceryStore.cpp by completing the implementation.a. GroceryStore constructor – This function takes as a parameter the name of the store’s inventory database file
containing pairs of UPC and quantity, each pair on a separate line. Populate the store’s inventory database
with the contents of the file. For example, the contents of “GroceryStoreInventory.dat” may look like:
0051600080015 36
0019600923015 34
0688267141676 36
0657622604842 25In this assignment, there are two text files used to persist data. Don’t confuse this file
(GroceryStoreInventory.dat) that persists a store’s inventory with the file (Grocery_UPC_Database-Large.dat)
used by class GroceryItemDatabase above that persists the full description and price of a grocery item. Both
use the UPC as the key but contain quite different information.b. inventory – This function takes no arguments and returns a reference to the store’s inventory database. The
inventory, designed as a binary search tree and implemented using the STL’s map class, is an association
between UPC (the key) and the quantity on hand (the value). As a convenience, an alias called Inventory_DB
has been created as part of the GroceryStore interface in GroceryStore.hpp. Use this alias in your work
everywhere as appropriate.c. ringUpCustomers – This function takes a collection of shopping carts (i.e., a collection of customers with their
shopping cart) and an optional receipt output stream as parameters and returns a collection of unique UPCs
for groceriesthat have been sold. Pretend you have a lot of customers waiting in line to purchase the groceries
in their cart. Ring up each customer individually while accumulating the groceries sold. As a convenience,
aliases called GroceryItemsSold, ShoppingCart and ShoppingCarts have been created as part of the
GroceryStore interface in GroceryStore.hpp. Use these aliases in your work everywhere as appropriate.d. ringUpCustomer – This function takes a shopping cart and a receipt output stream as parameters and returns
a collection of UPCs purchased by this customer. Scan all the groceries in the shopping cart, print a receipt
with an amount due, and deduct the groceries purchased from the store’s inventory. The logic to scan
groceries and print a receipt should be carried forward from your last assignment. Look at last assignment’s
posted solution if you need help. Add the grocery item to the collection of groceries purchased.e. reorderGroceryItems – This function takes a collection of UPCs for groceries sold and an optional reorder
report output stream as a parameter and returns nothing. For each grocery item sold, check the store’s
inventory for the quantity on hand. If the number of grocery items on hand has fallen below the
REORDER_THRESHOLD, print a message indicating the current number on hand then order LOT_COUNT more
by adding LOT_COUNT to the current number on hand. A sample report might look like:
Re-ordering grocery items the store is running low on.1: {“00025317533003”, “Applegate Farms”, “Hotdog Uncrd Big Apple”, 12.57}
only 8 in stock after selling 1 unit(s) below threshold (15), re-ordering 20 more
2: {“00041331092609”, “Goya”, “Frz Spnsh Omelet”, 16.84}
*** no longer sold in this store and will not be re-ordered
3: {“00070596000647”, “Ultra Glow”, “Ultra Glow Black Soap”, 21.19}
only 12 in stock after selling 1 unit(s) below threshold (15), re-ordering 20 moreProgram Overview:
Sometimes it helps to see pictures of what you’re building. The following is just for information.
Class Structure: To help you visualize the interface your three classes provide,
and to summarize instance attributes for the developer, the class diagram on
the right is provided.File Dependencies: To help you visualize the
dependencies between included files, the
diagram on the left is provided. Notice that
each class has a header and source file pair,
and that the class’s source file always includes
the class’s header file. In this assignment,
main.cpp requires only GroceryStore’s
interface (header file). GroceryStore’s interface
requires only GroceryItem’s interface, but GroceryStore’s
implementation (source file) requires GroceryItem’s, GroceryItemDatabase’s, and of course
GroceryStore’s interfaces.Data Types: To help you visualize the data structures, types and aliases, the following is provided:
• GroceryItemsSold: a set of unique UPCs organized as
a binary search tree.
• Inventory_DB: an association from UPC to quantity
on hand organized as a binary search tree.
• ShoppingCart: a collection of groceries indexed by
UPC organized as a binary search tree.• ShoppingCarts: a collection of shopping carts
indexed by customer’s name organized as a binary
search tree. Analogous to a matrix being an array of
arrays, ShoppingCarts is a tree of trees.
46689125962 83078113155
38100533036 62338822921 82815012003 91404518208
79200299101 12
46689125962 32 83078113155 27
38100533036 6 62338822921 18 82815012003 21 91404518208 13
46689125962 83078113155
38100533036 62338822921 82815012003 91404518208
BaronRules and Constraints:
1. You are to modify only designated TO-DO sections. The grading process will detect and discard any
changes made outside the designated TO-DO sections, including spacing and formatting. Designated
TO-DO sections are identified with the following comments:
///////////////////////// TO-DO (X) //////////////////////////////
/////////////////////// END-TO-DO (X) ////////////////////////////Keep and do not alter these comments. Insert your code between them. In this assignment, there are
13 such sections of code you are being asked to complete. 5 of them are in main.cpp, 3 in
GroceryItemDatabase.cpp, and 5 in GroceryStore.cpp.Reminders:
• The C++ using directive using namespace std; is never allowed in any header or source file in any
deliverable product. Being new to C++, you may have used this in the past. If you haven’t done so already, it’s
now time to shed this crutch and fully decorate your identifiers.• A clean compile is an entrance criterion. Deliveries that do meet the entrance criteria cannot be graded.
• Always initialize your class’s attributes, either with member initialization, within the constructor’s initialization
list, or both. Avoid assigning initial values within the body of constructors.• Use Build.sh on Tuffix to compile and link your program. The grading tools use it, so if you want to know if you
compile error and warning free (a prerequisite to earn credit) than you too should use it.
• Filenames are case sensitive on Linux operating systems, like Tuffix.• You may redirect standard input from a text file, and you must redirect standard output to a text file named
output.txt. Failure to include output.txt in your delivery indicates you were not able to execute your program
and will be scored accordingly. A screenshot of your terminal window is not acceptable. See How to build and
run your programs. Also see How to use command redirection under Linux if you are unfamiliar with command
line redirection.Deliverable Artifacts:
Provided files Files to deliver Comments
1. GroceryItem.hpp
2. GroceryItemDatabase.hpp
3. GroceryStore.hppYou shall not modify these files. The grading process will
overwrite whatever you deliver with the ones provided
with this assignment. It is important your delivery is
complete, so don’t omit these files.GroceryItem.cpp 4. GroceryItem.cpp Replace with your (potentially updated) file from the
previous assignment.
5. GroceryItemDatabase.cpp
6. main.cpp
7. GroceryStore.cpp
Start with the files provided. Make your changes in the
designated TO-DO sections (only). The grading process
will detect and discard all other changes.GroceryItemDatabase.cpp is similar to the previous
assignment but needs updating to move from std::vector
to std::map.
sample_output.txt 8. output.txt
Capture your program’s output to this text file and
include it in your delivery. Failure to deliver this file
indicates you could not get your program to execute.readme.* Optional. Use it to communicate your thoughts to the
Text files with a grocery item’s full description and a
grocery store’s inventory databases. Do not modify these
files. They’re big and unchanged, so don’t include it in
your delivery.
CheckResults.hppWhen you’re far enough along and ready to have your
class tested, then place this folder in your working
directory. These tests will be added to your delivery and
executed during the grading process. The grading process
expects all tests to pass.
131, Associative, Containers, CPSC, Data, Homework, Ordered, solved, Structures
[SOLVED] Cpsc 131, data structures homework 4: ordered associative containers
File Name: Cpsc_131,_data_structures_homework_4:_ordered_associative_containers.zip
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