[Solved] CPS847 Assignment 2


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  1. Make your GitHub repo public. If you are creating a new repo for this assignment, then please add cps847-chang, tonymisic and kazi-rys-21 to GitHub account
  2. Create a Travis CI YAML file that executes a unit test of your sample code [25%] and creates a code coverage report to be uploaded to codecov.io. Choose a unit test and code coverage framework that is appropriate for the language that you are using.
  3. Create a Dockerfile to generate a container for your web application [10%]
  4. Generate index.html page containing Hello World text and deploy the code to AWS ElasticBeanstalk (Container) using Travis CI
  5. Install Ubuntu VM on your laptop using VirtualBox player and Ubuntu ISO (https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop). Put a folder with the name of your group on the Ubuntu desktop.
  6. Create AWS Lambda function that reads in JSON


first_name: Jane,

last_name: Doe


and returns


statusCode: 200,

output: Jane Doe


You can implement this Lambda function in any language. You do not need to externalize the API.


  1. To submit to D2L
    1. A snapshot of TravisCI log building and testing your code
    2. Provide the logs which was generated when containerizing your application
    3. A snapshot of Codecov.io report of your code
    4. Provide a screenshot of the your index.html on AWS EB along with the URL box of the browser.
    5. A snapshot (screen capture) of the Ubuntu desktop within your host machine
    6. Write a report on how the lambda function works.


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[Solved] CPS847 Assignment 2