[Solved] CPE301 Lab # 10- Verilog and the Altera Quartus-II FPGA compiler


File Name: CPE301_Lab_#_10-_Verilog_and_the_Altera_Quartus-II_FPGA_compiler.zip
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To become familiar with Verilog and the Altera Quartus-II FPGA compiler


  1. Read the DE1_User_Manual.pdf before coming to Lab. Specifically, read Chapters 1 and 2. Then, Read Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 carefully.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Altera_FPGA_Tutorial.pdf and then implement and test the two- input logic gates.
  3. Modify your code from #2 above and implement and test the following circuit. Build a 2 to 4 decoder circuit, with one enable input, (as shown below) and use the four outputs from the decoder to drive a seven segment display with the appropriate numbers from the decoder (0 through 4). Where not enabled = 0, y[0] = 1, y[1] = 2, y[2] = 3, and y[3] = 4.

In addition to the standard lab report, include in your lab reports description:

  1. Modified source code.
  2. Truth table and Boolean equations for each LED segment.
  3. Table reflecting the pin assignments from the source code variables to the LED segment identifiers.


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[Solved] CPE301 Lab # 10- Verilog and the Altera Quartus-II FPGA compiler