Objective: Use a dictionary attack to crack Linux Passwords.
Background Information:
- Linux Password Storage: http://techlister.com/linux/linux-how-to-change-the-hashing-algorithm-on-linux-system/796/
- Windows Password Storage: http://techgenix.com/how-cracked-windows-password-part1/
- John the Ripper Password Cracker: http://openwall.info/wiki/john/tutorials
- Implementation of SHA512-crypt vs MD5-crypt: http://www.vidarholen.net/contents/blog/?p=33
- Write a Python script to perform a dictionary attack on a Linux password file.
- Copy /etc/shadow file to your local directory. Study the format of this file.
- Add the following 3 lines to the /etc/shadow file. For speed purposes remove all other lines.
- Use the crypt library crypt function to create your hash.
- Use the hmac library compare_hash function to compare hashes from the /etc/shadow file to the hashes produced from your guesses.
- Use the string split() function to separate the separate the password lines from the shadow file by the : delimiter to isolate the userid and the hash from an entry in the shadow file.
- Calculate the appropriate hash (using the method specified for the entry from the shadow file) for each word in this wordlist (http://www.openwall.com/passwords/wordlists/password-2011.lst), compare the hash, and stop comparing when you find a match.
- Attempt the dictionary attack for each entry in the shadow file.
- Remember you need to provide the word from the dictionary, the method, and the salt to the crypt() function.
- Print the userid and password when a match is found:Match found for userid [userid]. Password = [password]
- Print the No match was found for [userid] when there no match in the dictionary.
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