[Solved] COSC6000 homework08


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Develop a function that defines a 2dimensional array of type double. Also develop a function to destroy the array.

Two functions should make following test code to work.

Example output:

https://tulane.instructure.com/courses/2165899/assignments/13467400 1/2

As you see in the code, it assigns numbers to mat2d[i][j], but doesnt assign anythig to vect[i]. As you see in the example output, mat2d and vect have same values vect is a reshaped array of mat2d in roworder. This is because mat2d and vect share a same memory block. Your function, makeDoubleArray2D() should previde this mechanism. Your function, destroyDoubleArray2D() frees the arrays allocated by makeDoubleArray2D().


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[Solved] COSC6000 homework08