[Solved] COSC363 Lab 9-OpenGL-4 Basics


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In this lab, you will familiarize yourself with the structure of OpenGL-4 programs that use buffer objects and shaders (vertex and fragment shaders) for developing applications for the programmable pipeline.

  1. cpp:

The program contains the code for displaying the mesh model of a seashell. The structure of the application is shown below (Fig. 1).

Fragment shader

Fig. 1

  • The main() function in cpp initializes the rendering context with version OpenGL 4.1, and core profile.
  • The initialize() function calls the createShaderProg() function of h to load the shaders Seashell.vert and Seashell.frag. It also gets the locations of uniform variables defined in the vertex shader by calling glGetUniformLocation() function. Uniform variables are used to pass values of matrices, lights parameters etc. from the application (Seashell.cpp) to the shaders. Inside the shader code

Seashell.vert , you will find a set of variables mvMatrix, mvpMatrix, norMatrix and lightPos declared with storage qualifier uniform. These matrices are used within the shader for lighting calculations and transformations. Please note that any parameter that has a fixed value for the given scene (eg. camera parameters, view matirx, lights parameters) can be defined in the initialize() function. The vertex shader performs all lighting calculations in eye coordinates, and hence requires lights position in that frame.

  • The display() function creates the matrices required for model, view and projection transformations, and passes the values to the vertex shader. The angle of rotation of the model is continuously incremented using a timer callback. The GLM function rotate() returns a 44 matrix corresponding to the rotational transformation. Note that this function requires the angle of rotation specified in radians. The model-view matrix is the product of the view matrix and the rotation matrix. The shader uses this matrix to transform all vertices into eye coordinate frame (for lighting calculations). Similarly, the model-viewprojection matrix is the product of the projection matrix and the model-view matrix. This matrix is used by the shader to transform vertices into the clip coordinate space. The display of the model is generated by binding the VAO containing the models vertex data, and calling the glDrawElements() function.
  • The vertex shader (vert) contains code for lighting calculations and the transformation of vertex coordinates to the clip coordinate space (using the model-view-projection matrix).
  • The fragment shader (frag), in this example, is a pass-thru shader which receives the interpolated colour values in the variable oColor and directly outputs those values. The generated output is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

  1. Non-Photorealistic Rendering:

Non-photorealistic rendering refers to the process of generating displays with expressive or artistic styles. This rendering paradigm is also known by other names such as toon-shading, cel-shading, sketch-based rendering etc. An example from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-photorealistic_rendering) is shown in Fig. 3.

A robot model rendered using

Gouraud shading and 2-tone shading.

Source: Wikipedia

Fig. 3.

  1. A two-tone shading of a model as seen in the above figure is generated by replacing the continuous variation of shades on a surface with just two completely flat colours. This is done by using a threshold for the diffuse term nl. (the dot product between the light source vector and the normal vector). If we ignore specular reflections, the brightness at a vertex is proportional to this term. In the following, we will create a two-tone shading of the seashell model.
  2. For two-tone shading, we require the value of nl for each fragment. This value is computed in the vertex shader and stored in the variable diffTerm. Declare this variable as an out variable inside the vertex shader, and also as an in variable inside the fragment shader. The variable declarations must be placed outside the main() function (a local variable cannot be declared with a storage qualifier out) The interpolated values of nl will then become available in the fragment shader. Modify frag to produce a two-tone shading of the model based on the following rule:

if nl is less than 0.2, output a dark shade of a colour, otherwise output a lighter shade, as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

  1. To further enhance the quality of two-tone shading, it is necessary to highlight the silhouette edges of the model. Such edges can be clearly seen in the robot model in Fig. 3. Silhouette edges correspond to boundary regions between a front facing and a back facing polygon on a model. A fragment belongs to a silhouette edge if nv = 0 , where v is the view vector (Fig. 5).


  1. Compute the value of nv inside the vertex shader and pass the value to the fragment shader. Modify the output of the fragment shader as follows:

If |nv| < 0.2, output black colour.

The above condition, if properly implemented, will cause some of the silhouette edges to become visible on the model as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

  • cpp:
    1. The program cpp provides the code for displaying the mesh model of a cube.
      • The file h contains the array definitions specifying vertex coordinates, normal components, texture coordinates and polygon indices.
      • The vertex shader (vert) implements a simple lighting model using only the diffuse component. It also outputs the texture coordinates and the diffuse lighting term (nl) to the fragment shader.
      • The fragment shader (frag) defines a uniform variable

tSampler1 of type Sampler2D (a texture type). The function texture() returns a colour value obtained by sampling the texture using the input texture coordianates. The fragment shader outputs this colour for each fragment, thus generating the display of a texture mapped primitive.

  • The program cpp loads the texture Brick.tga (Fig. 7(a)) and assigns it to texture unit 0. Using the function glUniformi() it assigns the same value 0 to the variable tSampler1 in the fragment shader. The program generates the output of a texture mapped cube (Fig.


Fig. 7(a) Fig. 7(b) Fig. 7(c)

  1. Modify the program cpp to load a second texture Moss.tga (Fig. 7(b)). Select texture unit 1 for this texture, and assign the value 1 to a uniform variable tSampler2 . Add this new uniform variable tSampler2 in the fragment shader. Modify the shaders output by combining the colour values obtained from the two textures (see Lec09-Slide 50). The output of multi-texturing should look similar to that given in Fig. 8.


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[Solved] COSC363 Lab 9-OpenGL-4 Basics