- This weeks programming task will cover concepts required by Assignment 3. You should aim to get the help of your tutors and make further revisions.
Coding exercise steps (Hint: Need help? Ask your tutor via CanvasDiscussionsIIE11):
Complete the 08/Feb/2021 solution first as this extends upon that work. Next follow Canvas ModulesWeek 10/11 where the topic of writing to files is covered. Your tutors will provide further explanations on these general topics and how they relate to this IIE during their weekly tutor chats. Please also follow the announcement How to debug large programs and get help on debugging
- In this weeks IIE, you will modify your own adaptation of the IIE10 student manager (which has to be different to the student manager) to incorporate file writing using BufferedWriter+FileWriter in an appropriate manner and these approaches must work with both types of interfaces.
- Optional: Write a separate program to read values from a URL/web page in a manner similar to how we read values from a file (you will need to investigate this independently). Next, save the data to a file using the approach explained in CanvasModules for this week.
[Side note: The concepts of packages, polymorphism, inheritance (parent-child/super class-sub class relationships), abstract classes, interfaces, etc. are not covered in Intro To Programming and therefore must not be used in assessments. Subsequent courses such as Programming 1,
Further Programming, etc. will cover these in detail.]
Submission Checklist for Step 5:
- Ensure steps above have been followed in sequence.
- Ensure that there are no red dots (compilation errors) in your code. Code with red dots are not valid Java and cannot be marked.
- If you have not made a final submission for your Assignment 3, make a dummy submission for Assignment 3 by submitting your .java file to CanvasAssignmentsAssignment 3. Remember, you can overwrite this submission any time when you have a proper submission for your assignment.
- Take screenshots of the code, the running program and the data files and embed the screenshots in a post under CanvasDiscussionsIndependent Investigative Exercise 11. If you are unable to embed screenshots, please follow the announcement Having issues embedding images? Heres the alternative The mark for this weeks work will be given based on this submission.
- Download your own file(s) from the discussion forum and ensure that it is correct. If it is not, you can edit/delete your post and retry.
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