[Solved] Cosc 54755 Program #5


File Name: Cosc_54755__Program_#5.zip
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SKU: [Solved] Cosc 54755 – Program #5 Category: Tag:
5/5 - (1 vote)

Write the following program. How you design the user interface is up to you, using everything that has been taught in class, but you must use the drawing methods, as explained in the drawing lectures. You cant use widgets for the tic-tac-toe board. Code will be graded on correctness, comments, and coding style.

Tic-tac-toe program:

Write a Tic-tac-toe game. You will need to leave you code flexible, because we use this code next semester where you will add the network/Bluetooth/sms code to this program. Player X also goes first.

For 4730 students: Your program will be a two player game, alternating between each player, assuming they pass the phone back and forth. Your code will need to determine winner, loser, tie. You will also be able to play again (play another game) without having to restart the program.

For 5730 students: Complete the requirements for 4730 program and your program will have an option for the other player to be an AI player. The user will determine if they want to be X or O. The AI doesnt need to be very smart, but it must be smarter then just picking a random location and it should play to win.


Soft copy:

  1. Use this link to create your repo https://classroom.github.com/a/7UEORQWe
  2. Upload the project to your repo
  3. Create/Edit the md file, add the following:

o Course number 4730 or 5730

o Name

o how to run the program (this is likely very simple for program 1),

o which phone/emulator to run on including special information like android version (ie v4.4) and screen size.

  • Or if you are using the borrowed, phone, Pixel 2.
  1. Lastly ensure everything has uploaded to the github website and not just the local repo.

Code will be graded on correctness, comments, and coding style.


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[Solved] Cosc 54755 Program #5