Write the following phone app. The goal is use material design and widgets. As well as refresh everyone on github and Android Studio.
You are to write an app that displays information from the model (data) code. You are required to use a support drawlayout with the continents listed via a NavigationView widget. As you select the different continent, then the main display will show a list of countries for the selected continent. You will also use the FAB to add a new country to the continent that is currently showing. If you the user clicks on the country name, then is will show a Toast or Snackbar with the country name.
In the main display, you must use a RecyclerView (you can embed it in default fragments if you want to). I would suggest using a cardview with recyclerview, if you havent used it before, but it is not required.
Hard copy:
- A copy page with Name, program #1, cosc 5735 or 4735, a repo name (see github and below for your repo name).
Soft copy:
- Use this link to create your repo: https://classroom.github.com/a/cBcVD7m7
- Note, there are necessary files in the repo, so create it first to get the files.
- Upload your project to your repo. You can use Github or other git products like wingit.
- Edit the readme.md file, add the following:
- Course number 5735 or 4735
- Name
- How to run the program.
- Which phone/emulator to run on including special information like android version (ie v4.4) and screen size. . Or if you are using the borrowed a phone: pixel 2, etc.
- Lastly ensure everything has uploaded to the GitHub website and not just the local repo.
Code will be graded on correctness, comments, and coding style.
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