The app must have an input field where the users enter their name. The users will click the button and the app will then display hello <name> (or whatever they entered in the text field). How you choose to display the hello <name> is up to you.
Program requirements:
- A main activity, which implements an interface from the fragment
- It will receive the name from the fragment via the interface.
- The main activity will also create and display the fragment.
- The fragment CAN NOT loaded from in the xml.
- Fragment, with interface (abstract method) to be implemented by the activity.
- This is where the xml UI display will be written.
- The user name will display here and sent to activity as well.
- Both the activity and fragment MUST use the log.v (or i/e/d) show that shows in the output window in studio as well.
- IE log the name in the fragment and in activity.
- You must change the launcher icon.
Hard copy:
- A cover page with Name, program #1, cosc 4730 or 5730 depending on which class you enrolled in, a repo name (see github and below for you repo name).
Soft copy:
- Use this link to create your repo https://classroom.github.com/a/OfJh3rFb
- Upload the project to your repo
- Create/Edit the md file, add the following:
o Course number 4730 or 5730
o Name
o how to run the program (this is likely very simple for program 1),
o which phone/emulator to run on including special information like android version (ie 10) and screen size.
- Or if you are using the borrowed, phone, Pixel 2.
- Lastly ensure everything has uploaded to the github website and not just the local repo.
Code will be graded on correctness, comments, and coding style.
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