[Solved] COSC 1436 Lab assignment 04 Parking-Garage charges


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Design and develop a program for Parking-Garage charges. A parking garage uses the following rate for the cars, truck, and bus:CAR BUS TRUCKFirst 3 hours0.00First 2 hours2.00First 1 hours3.75After 3 hours1.25 per hourAfter 2 hours2.50 per hourAfter 1hours4.50 per hourNO OVER NIGHT PARKING.OUTPUT DESIGN:______________________________________TYPE OF VEHICLE : CARTIME IN : HH:MMTIME OUT: HH:MM=========================TOTAL TIME PARKED: HHTOTAL CHARGES:$999.99INPUT DESIGN:______________________________________TYPE OF VEHCLE:XHOURS IN :HHMINUTES IN :MMHOURS OUT :HHMINUTES OUT :MM

INPUT VALIDATION: The program should not accept time that has HH less than 0 or greater than 23, and MM less than zero and greater than 59. Number of minutes should be only accepted as a positive number. Only valid vehicle type C, T, or B should be accepted.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the total_minutes_parked is greater than 0, then you should round the total_hours_parked to the next hour (add one to it.) YOU MUST USE FUCTION calls, if/else control structures, and switch structures.Items needed for this lab:

1. Problem statement (your version of problem statement), and OUTPUT DESIGN 10%

2. one structure chart (visio document) 10%

3. pseudo-code and flowchart of each module 10%

4. a complete project folder created in IDE with correct executable version of your C++ program 20%

5. Sample of INPUT 10%

6. Sample of OUTPUT 10%

7. User Instruction (at least 250 words.) 10%

8. Comment (your view on program solution, things you learned from this program.) 10%

9. Internal C++ program comments (for every one hundred line of code there should be at least thirty lines of internal comments.) 10%

NOTE: Fully functional programs without syntax and logical errors would receive credit from items 1 9, others would receive ZERO (0).

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[Solved] COSC 1436 Lab assignment 04 Parking-Garage charges