Convex Optimization
Ref. | Exercises |
[1] | 2.2, 2.12 (d)(e)(g), 2.18, 2.24, 3.3, 3.18, 3.19(a) |
Matlab Assignment
Problem 1. Let the set S be described by,
- Use Matlab to draw the set S and investigate its convexity.
- Show your conclusion in part (a) theoretically.
Problem 2. Let Q1 and Q2 be arbitrary n n symmetric matrices (n > 2).
- Use Matlab to draw the set and investigate its convexity.
- Extra point: Can you show your conclusion in part (a) theoretically?
Problem 3. Let A be a real mn matrix with a singular value decomposition given by A = UV T (as discussed in class). For a positive integer k min{m,n}, we let Ak denote an m n matrix which is an
approximation of the matrix A obtained from its top k singular values and singular vectors, i.e.,
Ak = UkkVkT,
where Uk has the first k columns of U, Vk has the first k columns of V , and k is the upper left k k block of .
- To provide a good approximation for A, consider the cost function kA Xk2 where X is restricted to be an m n matrix with rank(X) k. It can be shown that Ak is the minimizer of the cost function kA Xk2. Download the file HajiFirouz.jpg. Read this file in Matlab by typing:
A=imread(HajiFirouz.jpg); A=im2double(A) ;
A=rgb2gray(A) ;
Figure 1: Haji Firouz in Problem 8
The result is a 395 665 matrix A, with each entry representing a single pixel in the picture with a number between 0 and 1.
For different values of k, use Matlab to compute Ak, construct a compressed image with Ak (You can used the command imwrite), and report the value of kA Akk2.
- Based on your experiments in part (a), provide a good compressed image for HajiFirouz and explain your interpretations.
[1] Boyd, Stephen, Stephen P. Boyd, and Lieven Vandenberghe. Convex optimization. Cambridge university press, 2004.
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