[Solved] Contact a disaster preparedness person


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Contact a disaster preparedness person at either a local hospital, or local city or county emergency services agency.

Interview your contact, asking the following questions:

1) What do you consider to be the top three disasters for which you prepare?

2) What would you say are your top three lessons learned about managing a disaster?

On your discussion note the responses on how he his/her organization utilize hardware, processing, accuracy, and resource management.

Write a paper of 1,0001,200 words that summarizes your findings from the interview as well as from Oklahoma city Bombing: Lessons Learned By Hospitals by Sheryl R. McLain.

1. Plagiarism must be less than 10%

2. Include permalink on the references

3. Use APA 6 ed. format on writing this paper

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[Solved] Contact a disaster preparedness person