Use CARTC, Random Forests and Adaboost to forecast the customers that default their obligations and calculate their probability of default.Split the data into training (75%) and test (25%) dataset. Using cross-validation with 10 folds of the training dataset, calibrate the models selecting the optimalvalues for at least one parameter of each model. Report the optimal parameters selected.Transform the categorical variables into dummy variables. A dummy variable is a binary variable taking the value of one for a particular value of a categoricalvariable, and the rest is zero. If the categorical variable has k classes, it is necessary to generate k-1 dummy variables as one class is determined when all theother dummy variables are zero.Standardize the dataset: rescale the data as if each feature is normally distributed (Gaussian with zero mean and unit variance)Compare the Matthews Correlation Coefficient, the test error, and the average probability of default for the test sample using the three models.Rank the features importance using Random Forest.Select the best model and create a histogram with 10 bins for the probability of default.Calculate credit score for each customer using the following formula:p =probability of defaultodds = (1 p) / p scores = log(odds)*(40/log(2)) + 340 where log is natural log.Create a histogram with 10 bins for the credit scores.Discuss your results explaining the performance measure obtained and the average of the probability of default.Note: Matthews correlation coefficient measures the quality of binary and multiclass classifications. It can be used even if the classes are of very different sizes.This is a correlation coefficient value between -1 (perfect prediction), 0 (average random prediction) and -1 (inverse prediction).In [104]: # Import the libraries we will be usingimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdfrom sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifierfrom sklearn import metricsfrom sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_scorefrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitfrom sklearn.preprocessing import scalefrom sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFoldimport matplotlib.pylab as plt%matplotlib inlineplt.rcParams[figure.figsize] = 15, 12In [59]: # Load datapath = ./default1.csvdf = pd.read_csv(path)[[ID,creditBalance,Gender,Training,MaritalStatus,Age,payStatus6,payStatus5,payStatus4,payStatus3,payStatus2,payStatus1,bill6,bill5,bill4,bill3,bill2,bill1,payment6,payment5,payment4,payment3,payment2,payment1,Default]].dropna()# Take a look at the datadf.head(5)In [60]: df.shapeIn [61]: ##Transform the categorical variables into dummy variables.for field in [Gender,Training,MaritalStatus]:dummies = pd.get_dummies(df[field])# print(dummies)# print(dummies.columns)if field == Gender:dummies.columns = [Gender_male,Gender_female]data = pd.concat([df, dummies], axis=1).drop(field, axis=columns)elif field == Training:# print(dummies)dummies.columns = [Training_0,Training_graduate school,Training_university,Training_high school,Training_4,Training_5,Training_6]data = pd.concat([data, dummies], axis=1).drop(field, axis=columns)else:dummies.columns = [Marital_0,Marital_married,Marital_single,Marital_3]data = pd.concat([data, dummies], axis=1).drop(field, axis=columns)# data = data.drop(Marital_0,axis = columns)# data = data.drop(Marital_3,axis = columns)# data = data.drop(Gender_male,axis = columns)# data = data.drop(Training_4,axis = columns)# data = data.drop(Training_5,axis = columns)# data = data.drop(Training_6,axis = columns)data.head()In [62]: ##Standardize the dataset: rescale the data as if each feature is normally distributed (Gaussian with zero mean and unit variance)# data_scaled.head()# predict_col = [creditBalance,Training,Age,payStatus6,payStatus5,payStatus4,payStatus3,payStatus2,payStatus1,bill6,bill5,bill4,bill3,bill2,bill1,payment6,payment5,payment4,payment3,payment2,payment1,Gender_female,Marital_married,Marital_single]data_ID = data[ID]data_Default = data[Default]data = data.drop(ID,axis = columns)data = data.drop(Default,axis = columns)data.head()# print(data_ID)# print(data_Default)data_scaled = pd.DataFrame(scale(data, axis=0, with_mean=True, with_std=True, copy=True), columns=data.columns.values)data_scaled[ID] = data_IDdata_scaled[Default] = data_Defaultdata_scaled.head()In [63]: ##Split the data into training (75%) and test (25%) dataset.##Using cross-validation with 10 folds of the training dataset##calibrate the models selecting the optimal values for at least one parameter of each model.##Report the optimal parameters selected.##split datasetrs = np.random.RandomState(11435)is_test = rs.uniform(0, 1, len(data_scaled)) > 0.75train = data_scaled[is_test==False]test = data_scaled[is_test==True]X_train = train.drop([ID,Default],axis =columns)X_test = test.drop([ID,Default],axis =columns)Y_train = train[Default]Y_test = test[Default]In [64]: len(X_train), len(Y_test)In [65]: X_trainIn [66]: Y_trainIn [67]: kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, shuffle = True,random_state= 1)In [68]: ## CARTfrom sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifierfrom sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCVmodel_dt = DecisionTreeClassifier()max_depth = range(1,10,1)# min_samples_leaf = range(1,10,2)criteria = [entropy,gini]grid = dict(max_depth=max_depth,criterion = criteria)# print(tuned_parameters)# print(min_samples_leaf)tuned_model_dt = GridSearchCV(model_dt, grid, scoring=accuracy, cv=kfold, verbose=1), Y_train)print (Best accuracy: %0.4f, using: % tuned_model_dt.best_score_)print (tuned_model_dt.best_params_)In [69]: print(tuned_model_dt.best_estimator_)In [70]: ## Random Forestsfrom sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifierfrom sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCVmodel_rf = RandomForestClassifier()n_estimators = [3,30,50]# max_features = [2, 4, 6, 8]max_depth = range(1,20,5)criteria = [entropy,gini]grid = dict(n_estimators = n_estimators, max_depth = max_depth,criterion = criteria)tuned_model_rf = GridSearchCV(model_rf, grid, scoring=accuracy, cv=kfold, verbose=1), Y_train)print (Best accuracy: %0.4f, using: % tuned_model_rf.best_score_)print (tuned_model_rf.best_params_)In [71]: print(tuned_model_rf.best_estimator_)In [72]: ## Adaboostfrom sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifierfrom sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCVmodel_ad = AdaBoostClassifier()n_estimators = [10,30,50]# max_features = [2, 4, 6, 8]learning_rate = [0.001,0.01,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.8,1]grid = dict(n_estimators = n_estimators, learning_rate = learning_rate)tuned_model_ad = GridSearchCV(model_ad, grid, scoring=accuracy, cv=kfold, verbose=1), Y_train)print (Best accuracy: %0.4f, using: % tuned_model_ad.best_score_)print (tuned_model_ad.best_params_)In [73]: print(tuned_model_ad.best_estimator_)In [78]: ###compare test error rateacc_dt = metrics.accuracy_score(tuned_model_dt.predict(X_test), Y_test)# print(acc_dt)err_dt = 1-acc_dtprint (test error rate of dt: %0.4f: % err_dt)acc_rf = metrics.accuracy_score(tuned_model_rf.predict(X_test), Y_test)err_rf = 1-acc_rfprint (test error rate of rf: %0.4f: % err_rf)acc_ad = metrics.accuracy_score(tuned_model_ad.predict(X_test), Y_test)err_ad = 1-acc_adprint (test error rate of ad: %0.4f: % err_ad)# tuned_model_dt.predict_proba(X)In [79]: ###compare matthews_corrcoeffrom sklearn.metrics import matthews_corrcoefmcc_dt = matthews_corrcoef(Y_test, tuned_model_dt.predict(X_test))mcc_rf = matthews_corrcoef(Y_test, tuned_model_rf.predict(X_test))mcc_ad = matthews_corrcoef(Y_test, tuned_model_ad.predict(X_test))print(Matthews Correlation Coefficient for dt: %0.4f % mcc_dt)print(Matthews Correlation Coefficient for rf: %0.4f % mcc_rf)print(Matthews Correlation Coefficient for ad: %0.4f % mcc_ad)In [80]: ###the average probability of defaultavg_prob_dt = tuned_model_dt.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1].mean()avg_prob_rf = tuned_model_rf.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1].mean()avg_prob_ad = tuned_model_ad.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1].mean()print(average probability of default using dt: %0.4f % (avg_prob_dt*100))print(average probability of default using rf: %0.4f % (avg_prob_rf*100))print(average probability of default using ad: %0.4f % (avg_prob_ad*100))In [81]: ##comparison tablecols = [test error rate, Matthews Correlation Coefficient,average probability of default]res = [[err_dt,mcc_dt,(avg_prob_dt*100)],[err_rf,mcc_rf,(avg_prob_rf*100)],[err_ad,mcc_ad,(avg_prob_ad*100)]]index = [dt,rf,ad]ans = pd.DataFrame(res,index,cols)ans.head()After run the gridsearch and cross validation, I found that as for decision tree, the model with gini criterion and max_depth 2 has the best accuracy 0.8233. Asfor the random forest, the model with entropy criterion, max_depth 11 and 50 estimatiors has the best accuracy: 0.8209. As for the adaboost, the model withlearning_rate 0.001 and 10 estimators has the best accuracy 0.8227.According to the result, based on test error rate metric, we can see that the random forest performed the best among the three with the test error rate 0.187236while the decision tree is the worst with the rate of 0.190143.According to matthews correlation coefficient which is more suitbale here since the dataset is unbalanced with 22% of 1s, the random forest is the best withthe coefficient 0.369781 while decision tree is the worst with the value of 0.347714. The best model selected by the matthews correlation coefficient is thesame as the one selected by test error rate.The average probability of default are very similary among the 3 models which is around 22%. In general, these three models performed similarly over thisdataset.In [82]: ###Rank the features importance using Random Forest.import pylab as plimportances = tuned_model_rf.best_estimator_.feature_importances_sorted_idx = np.argsort(importances)features = X_train.columnsfeatures_num = len(X_train.columns)# print(features)padding = np.arange(features_num) + 0.5pl.barh(padding, importances[sorted_idx], align=center)pl.yticks(padding, features[sorted_idx])pl.xlabel(Relative Importance)pl.title(Variable Importance) can see that the payStatus6 and payStatus 5 are the most important features according to the diagram since the relative importance are very high. Whilethe Gender, MaritalStatus and Training are not that important compared to the payStatus, creditbalance and bill.In [83]: ###Select the best model and create a histogram with 10 bins for the probability of default.prob_best = tuned_model_rf.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]# print(len(prob_rf))# print(type(prob_rf))prob_best_bin = pd.cut(prob_best, bins=10)prob_best_bin_count = pd.value_counts(prob_best_bin)prob_best_bin_countIn [84]: plt.title(The histogram with 10 bins for the probability of default)plt.xlabel(The intervals for the probability of default)plt.ylabel(The number of people)plt.hist(x=prob_best,bins=10,color=steelblue,edgecolor=black)From the Histogram, we know that in the test set, most of the people (around 2500) with the number of 2381 and 2863 have the probability of default 2% to21%. Few people with the number of 16 have the highest probability of default which is around 87% to 96%.In [95]: ###Calculate credit score for each customer using the following formula:def credit_score(p):odds = (1 p) / pscores = np.log(odds)*(40/np.log(2)) + 340return scores.astype( [96]: ###Create a histogram with 10 bins for the credit scores.from collections import Counterscores =credit_score(prob_best)# s = pd.DataFrame(data = scores,columns = [creditscore])In [107]: plt.title(The histogram with 10 bins for the credit scores on test set)plt.xlabel(The intervals of scores)plt.ylabel(The number of people)pl.hist(x=scores,bins=10,color=steelblue,edgecolor=black)We know that most people (around 2000 or above 2500 people) in the test set have the credit score between 400 to 500. Few people have the lowest scorewhich is between 100 to 200. And there are some people (under 100 people) have the highest score which is above 500.In [88]: whole_data = data_scaled.drop([ID,Default],axis = columns)# print(len(whole_data))# whole_dataprob_whole_dataset = tuned_model_rf.predict_proba(whole_data)[:,1]whole_scores =credit_score(prob_whole_dataset)plt.title(The histogram with 10 bins for the credit scores on whole dataset)plt.xlabel(The intervals of scores)plt.ylabel(The number of people)pl.hist(x=whole_scores,bins=10,color=steelblue,edgecolor=black)On the whole test set, the distribution follows the same way as it did on the test set. We know that most people (around 12000 people) in the whole datasethave the credit score around 450. Few people (below 100 people) have the lowest score which is between 100 to 200.In [ ]:In [ ]:Out[59]:ID creditBalance Gender Training MaritalStatus Age payStatus6 payStatus5 payStatus4 payStatus3 bill3 bill2 bill1 payment6 payment5 payment40 1 20000 2 2 1 24 2 2 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 689 01 2 120000 2 2 2 26 -1 2 0 0 3272 3455 3261 0 1000 10002 3 90000 2 2 2 34 0 0 0 0 14331 14948 15549 1518 1500 10003 4 50000 2 2 1 37 0 0 0 0 28314 28959 29547 2000 2019 12004 5 50000 1 2 1 57 -1 0 -1 0 20940 19146 19131 2000 36681 100005 rows 25 columnsOut[60]: (30000, 25)Out[61]:ID creditBalance Age payStatus6 payStatus5 payStatus4 payStatus3 payStatus2 payStatus1 bill6 Training_graduateschool Training_university Training_highschool0 1 20000 24 2 2 -1 -1 -2 -2 3913 0 1 01 2 120000 26 -1 2 0 0 0 2 2682 0 1 02 3 90000 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 29239 0 1 03 4 50000 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 46990 0 1 04 5 50000 57 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 8617 0 1 05 rows 35 columnsOut[62]:creditBalance Age payStatus6 payStatus5 payStatus4 payStatus3 payStatus2 payStatus1 bill6 bill5 Training_highschool Training_4 Training_50 -1.136720 -1.246020 1.794564 1.782348 -0.696663 -0.666599 -1.530046 -1.486041 -0.642501 -0.647399 -0.442752 -0.064163 -0.0970631 -0.365981 -1.029047 -0.874991 1.782348 0.138865 0.188746 0.234917 1.992316 -0.659219 -0.666747 -0.442752 -0.064163 -0.0970632 -0.597202 -0.161156 0.014861 0.111736 0.138865 0.188746 0.234917 0.253137 -0.298560 -0.493899 -0.442752 -0.064163 -0.0970633 -0.905498 0.164303 0.014861 0.111736 0.138865 0.188746 0.234917 0.253137 -0.057491 -0.013293 -0.442752 -0.064163 -0.0970634 -0.905498 2.334029 -0.874991 0.111736 -0.696663 0.188746 0.234917 0.253137 -0.578618 -0.611318 -0.442752 -0.064163 -0.0970635 rows 35 columnsOut[64]: (22432, 7568)Out[65]:creditBalance Age payStatus6 payStatus5 payStatus4 payStatus3 payStatus2 payStatus1 bill6 bill5 Training_graduateschool Training_university0 -1.136720 -1.246020 1.794564 1.782348 -0.696663 -0.666599 -1.530046 -1.486041 -0.642501 -0.647399 -0.738375 1.0669001 -0.365981 -1.029047 -0.874991 1.782348 0.138865 0.188746 0.234917 1.992316 -0.659219 -0.666747 -0.738375 1.0669003 -0.905498 0.164303 0.014861 0.111736 0.138865 0.188746 0.234917 0.253137 -0.057491 -0.013293 -0.738375 1.0669006 2.562830 -0.703588 0.014861 0.111736 0.138865 0.188746 0.234917 0.253137 4.301531 5.098086 1.354326 -0.9372957 -0.520128 -1.354506 0.014861 -0.723570 -0.696663 0.188746 0.234917 -0.616452 -0.534359 -0.685644 -0.738375 1.066900 29993 -0.520128 0.272789 0.014861 -0.723570 -0.696663 0.188746 0.234917 0.253137 -0.654330 -0.670934 1.354326 -0.93729529994 -0.674276 -0.161156 1.794564 1.782348 1.809921 1.899436 1.999879 1.992316 0.289723 0.400842 -0.738375 1.06690029995 0.404759 0.381275 0.014861 0.111736 0.138865 0.188746 0.234917 0.253137 1.870379 2.018136 -0.738375 -0.93729529997 -1.059646 0.164303 3.574267 2.617654 1.809921 -0.666599 0.234917 0.253137 -0.647227 -0.643830 -0.738375 1.06690029998 -0.674276 0.598248 0.904712 -0.723570 0.138865 0.188746 0.234917 -0.616452 -0.717982 0.410269 -0.738375 -0.93729522432 rows 33 columnsOut[66]: 0 11 13 06 07 0..29993 029994 129995 029997 129998 1Name: Default, Length: 22432, dtype: int64Fitting 10 folds for each of 18 candidates, totalling 180 fits[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Using backend SequentialBackend with 1 concurrent workers.Best accuracy: 0.8233, using:{criterion: gini, max_depth: 2}[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 180 out of 180 | elapsed: 20.1s finishedDecisionTreeClassifier(class_weight=None, criterion=gini, max_depth=2,max_features=None, max_leaf_nodes=None,min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, presort=False,random_state=None, splitter=best)[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Using backend SequentialBackend with 1 concurrent workers.Fitting 10 folds for each of 24 candidates, totalling 240 fits[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 240 out of 240 | elapsed: 2.0min finishedBest accuracy: 0.8209, using:{criterion: entropy, max_depth: 11, n_estimators: 50}RandomForestClassifier(bootstrap=True, class_weight=None, criterion=entropy,max_depth=11, max_features=auto, max_leaf_nodes=None,min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=50,n_jobs=None, oob_score=False, random_state=None,verbose=0, warm_start=False)Fitting 10 folds for each of 21 candidates, totalling 210 fits[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Using backend SequentialBackend with 1 concurrent workers.[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 210 out of 210 | elapsed: 2.4min finishedBest accuracy: 0.8227, using:{learning_rate: 0.001, n_estimators: 10}AdaBoostClassifier(algorithm=SAMME.R, base_estimator=None,learning_rate=0.001, n_estimators=10, random_state=None)test error rate of dt: 0.1901:test error rate of rf: 0.1872:test error rate of ad: 0.1896:Matthews Correlation Coefficient for dt: 0.3477Matthews Correlation Coefficient for rf: 0.3698Matthews Correlation Coefficient for ad: 0.3527average probability of default using dt: 21.7652average probability of default using rf: 21.8087average probability of default using ad: 21.6748Out[81]:test error rate Matthews Correlation Coefficient average probability of defaultdt 0.190143 0.347714 21.765193rf 0.187236 0.369781 21.808734ad 0.189614 0.352702 21.674819Out[83]: (0.114, 0.209] 2863(0.0182, 0.114] 2381(0.209, 0.304] 779(0.304, 0.399] 426(0.494, 0.589] 298(0.399, 0.494] 267(0.589, 0.684] 240(0.684, 0.779] 211(0.779, 0.874] 87(0.874, 0.969] 16dtype: int64Out[84]: (array([2381., 2863., 779., 426., 267., 298., 240., 211., 87.,16.]),array([0.01914374, 0.1140852 , 0.20902665, 0.30396811, 0.39890957,0.49385102, 0.58879248, 0.68373394, 0.77867539, 0.87361685,0.9685583 ]),<a list of 10 Patch objects>)Out[107]: (array([ 8., 7., 103., 343., 553., 764., 1994., 2828., 889.,79.]),array([142. , 184.5, 227. , 269.5, 312. , 354.5, 397. , 439.5, 482. ,524.5, 567. ]),<a list of 10 Patch objects>)Out[88]: (array([ 34., 46., 286., 1364., 1944., 2759., 7145., 12391.,3748., 283.]),array([116. , 161.8, 207.6, 253.4, 299.2, 345. , 390.8, 436.6, 482.4,528.2, 574. ]),<a list of 10 Patch objects>)
[Solved] COMS4995 Homework 3-CARTC, Random Forests and Adaboost
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