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SKU: [Solved] COMPUTER PROJECT 9 Category: Tag:

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Assignment OverviewThis program focuses on the use of dictionaries, sets, files and text manipulation..

BackgroundWe take word completion for granted. Our phones, text editors, and word processing programs all provide suggestions for how to complete words as we type based on the letters typed so far. These hints help speed up user input and eliminate common typographical mistakes (but can also be frustrating when the tool insists on completing a word that you don’t want completed).

OverviewYou will implement two functions that such tools might use to provide command completion. The first function, fill_completions, will construct a dictionary designed to permit easy calculation of possible word completions. A problem for any such function is what vocabulary, or set of words, to allow completion on. Because the vocabulary you want may depend on the domain a tool is used in, you will provide fill_completions with a representative sample of documents from which it will build the completions dictionary (we provide the file ap_docs.txt). The second function, find_completions, will return the set of possible completions for a prefix of any word in the vocabulary (or the empty set if there are none). In addition to these two functions, you need a function to open a file, ane will implement a simple driver program to use for testing your functions.

Program specifications• open_file()prompts the user to enter a file name. The program will try to open the data file. Appropriate error message should be shown if the data file cannot be opened. This function will loop until it receives proper input and successfully opens the file. Use of tryexcept is required. It returns a file pointer. Use this function from previous projects.• fill_completions(fd) returns a dictionary whose keys are tuples and the values are sets. This function takes as an opened file pointer. It returns the completion dictionary as described below.o The keys are tuples of the form (n, l) for a non-negative integer n and a lowercaseletter l.o The value associated with key(n, l)is the set of words in the file that contain the letter l at position n. For simplicity, all words are converted to lower case. For example, if the file contains the word “Python” then the sets returned byc_dict[0,“p”], c_dict[1,“y”], c_dict[2,“t”],c_dict[3,“h”], c_dict[4,“o”], and c_dict[5,“n”] all contain theword “python” (as well as other words).o Words are stripped of punctuation.o “Words” containing non-alphabetic characters are ignored, as are words of length 1(since there is no reason to complete the latter).• find_completions(prefix, c_dict) returns a set of strings. This function takesa prefix of a word (possibly empty) and a completions dictionary of the form describedabove. It returns the set of words in the completions dictionary, if any, that complete theprefix. It the prefix cannot be completed to any vocabulary words, the function returns theempty set.• Main part of your program:o Calls open_file()to get a file pointer (in this case we want the file“ap_docs.txt”, but we are not testing for that filename). This file contains acollection of old newswire articles.o Calls fill_completions to fill out a completions dictionary using this file.o Repeatedly prompts the user for a prefix to complete or for an ‘#’ to quit.o Prints the set of words that can complete each prefix or states that the prefix has nocompletions.

Assignment Deliverable:The deliverable for this assignment is the following file:proj09.py — your source code solutionBe sure to use the specified file name and to submit it for grading via the handin system beforethe project deadline

Assignment Notes:0. Items 1-9 of the Coding Standard will be enforced for this project.1. You will find enumerate very useful, e.g.for i,ch in enumerate(someString):2. Be smart!!! Implement the functions and test them thoroughly on inputs for which youknow what the answer should be. That means you will want to use a much smaller input fileinitially.3. The design of the completions dictionary makes retrieval of completions a simple matterusing intersection of sets. Consider, for example, possible completions of “pyt”. Youshould be able to convince yourself that the set of possible completions is the intersectionof the sets c_dict[0,“p”], c_dict[1,“y”], and c_dict[2,“t”].4. Python provides a binary operation for finding intersection of sets, denoted &. However,you need to form the intersection of an arbitrary number of sets (depending on the length ofthe prefix). How will you do this? In principle, this is no different than finding the sum ofthe numbers in a list L of arbitrary size using the binary + operator. To sum the list youinitialize a working variable, say result, making it 0. Then, you add each subsequentelement of L to result possibly using “+=”, You can do essentially the same thing forthe intersection problem. For the example above, you can initialize result to bec_dict[0,“p”]. Then, using set intersection on result and c_dict[1,“y”] toget the next value for result. Finally, intersect result and c_dict[2,“t”]to getthe intersection of the three sets.5. I created a small test input file named test.txt and a second file that has the dictionarycreated from that file named test_dictionary.txt. You might find them helpful.

Sample OutputInput a file name: ap_docs.txtEnter the prefix to complete (or ‘#’ to quit): promotCompletions of promot: promoted promoters promoting promotionalpromote promotions promotionEnter the prefix to complete: promotionCompletions of promotion: promotional promotions promotionEnter the prefix to complete: colCompletions of col: colleges columbia coleman colter coloradocolorblind colo colleague collett colleagues collateral columncolumnist collapsed colony colombo colman colossus collegecollapse cold colombia collecting colleages coloradoan colonialcol colombian collision collectedEnter the prefix to complete: weigCompletions of weig: weigh weighed weighs weightEnter the prefix to complete: #~Questions for you to consider (not hand in):A problem with your find_completions function is that, for many short word prefixes, itreturns too many possible completions to be useful. An editing tool that invokes your function willneed to select some subset of the possible completions to display to a user. To permit this, it wouldbe useful if your find_completions function returned a ranked list of completions, in order bydecreasing frequency of use. If you assume that the input file to your fill_completionsfunction is representative for the domain of the tool you are building, this function could collect theinformation needed to determine how to rank the possible completions for each prefix. How wouldyou redesign the completions dictionary to record this information? How would you modify yourtwo functions? Finally, is it better for find_completions to return a ranked list of allpossible completions for a prefix or just the five or six top-ranked words? Why?========================================Educational ResearchWhen you have completed the project insert the 5-line comment specified below.For each of the following statements, please respond with how much they apply to your experiencecompleting the programming project, on the following scale:1 = Strongly disagree / Not true of me at all234 = Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat true of me567 = Strongly agree / Extremely true of me***Please note that your responses to these questions will not affect your project grade, so pleaseanswer as honestly as possible.***Q1: Upon completing the project, I felt proud/accomplishedQ2: While working on the project, I often felt frustrated/annoyedQ3: While working on the project, I felt inadequate/stupidQ4: Considering the difficulty of this course, the teacher, and my skills, I think I will do wellin this course.Please insert your answers into the bottom of your project program as a comment, formattedexactly as follows (so we can write a program to extract them).# Questions# Q1: 5# Q2: 3# Q3: 4# Q4: 6


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