[Solved] Computer Architecture Project 1

30 $

SKU: [Solved] Computer Architecture Project 1 Category: Tag:

The topic for the team project this semester is the “Three in a Line” game. For a feel of the game visit


Note: MARS does not have a graphics capability so character-based display is sufficient.

As discussed, you can work with another student, so if you choose that option you should find a partner and start working on the project as soon as possible.

  • Submission Requirements:

At the end of the semester, EACH student must submit a ZIP file containing

  1. A project report (in Word format) covering
  2. a description of the program,
  3. the challenges that you (and your partner, if you work with another student) had and how did you overcome them,
  4. what you have learned by doing the project,
  5. a discussion of algorithms and techniques used in the program,
  6. If you work with another student, work done by each of you,
  7. any suggestions you may have (optional).
  8. A short video clip demonstrating the program in action. (If the video is too big you can post it on a website, e.g. youTube, and submit the link). The video should have audio narration explaining the moves of players.
  9. All MIPS assembly language modules that are needed to run your program.
  10. A user manual on how to run and how to use the program.
  • Minimum requirements while implementing the game:
  • The game is for two players: the user v.s. the computer.
  • The user input (keystrokes) is minimum during each turn that the user
  • Implementation of a winning strategy by the computer is
  • All moves by the user and the computer MUST be valid according to the rules of the
  • An error message is displayed to explain the rule that was violated if a move by the user was not
  • Obvious requirement: your program MUST work as designed.


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[Solved] Computer Architecture Project 1
30 $