Objectives: Implement SPIMI. Implement ranking of returns. Test and analyze your system, discuss how your design decisions influence the results.
Data: Use Reuters21578 for testing and if needed, continue your text scrubbing skills for the final project. Note that the text preprocessing should be secondary in this project.
Description: this project consists of two subprojects that build on each other. Each subproject should be very simple to execute, discuss with your peers and during Lab Q&A if there are any hurdles.
Subproject I: Implement SPIMI using your Project 2 Subproject 1 system. In particular:
- (Project 2 Subproject I item 1:) develop a module that while there are still more documents to be processed, accepts a document as a list of tokens and outputs term-documentID pairs. Instead of appending new termdocID pairings (since you are not to compress the index, a matched token and docID, not a pair data structure. Omit punctuation.) to a global list, do:
- in the following, replace K with 500 for submitting your first and last block for grading
- replace K with 10000 for comparison with naive indexer
for K term-docIDs, create a new hash key for the term if necessary and/or append the docID to the postings list associated with the hashed term if it is not already listed in the postings list or if it is already listed, augment a term counter to calculate tf.
- when the block is full (representing K term-docIDs), collect the index, sort, and store in consecutively labelled BlockX
- disk block merging: when all term-docID pairs of your input are stored in block-sized indices, merge the miniindeces into a global index. You can hold the merged index in memory
- compare timing with the naive indexer (for 10000 term-docID pairings).
- compile an inverted index for Reuters21578 without using any compression techniquesdocID hint: Use the NEWID values from the Reuters corpus to make your retrieval comparable.
Subproject II: Convert your indexer into a probabilistic search engine
- using the assumptions made in Chapter 11 about independence of terms and documents etc. and
- using the BM25 formula (11.32),
- rank the documents your SPIMI implementation returns and
- for a given query, return a ranked list of results.
Notes: experiment with different values for the parameters k1 and b as described in the textbook.
Test queries:
- design four test queries:
- a single keyword query, to comapre with Project 2
- a query consisting of several keywords for BM25
- a multiple keyword query returning documents containing all the keywords (AND), for unranked Boolean retrieval
- a multiple keywords query returning documents containing at least one keyword (OR), where documentsare ordered by how many keywords they contain), for unranked Boolean retrieval
- run your four test queries to showcase your code and comment on the results in your report Deliverables:
- individual project
- well documented code
- well documented sample runs for your queries on the information needs:
- Democrats welfare and healthcare reform policies
- Drug company bankruptcies
- George Bush
- any additional testing or aborted design ideas that show off particular aspects of your project
a project report that summarizes your approach, illustrates your design and discusses what you have learnedfrom the project. Note that a summary and commentary on your sample runs has to be included in the report
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