COMP4500/7500 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures – Assignment 2
School: School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Queensland
Semester: 2, 2024
Due Date: 3pm, Friday 18th of October 2024
General Information
This assignment is worth 20% (COMP4500) or 15% (COMP7500) of the final grade.
It is to be attempted individually and aims to test understanding of dynamic programming.
Submission Guidelines
Written Answers: Answers to written questions (Q1(b), Q1(d), Q1(e)) should be in a pdf file called
A2.pdf .
Source Code: and should be submitted electronically via Blackboard according to the instructions on
Multiple submissions are allowed before the deadline, but only the last one will be saved and marked.
Submitted work should be neat, legible, and simple to understand. Incorrect submissions will receive 0 marks.
Late Submission Policy
A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours for up to 7 days. After 7 days, a mark of 0 will be given.
Medical or exceptional circumstances require an extension request via with a maximum of 7 days from the original deadline.
School Policy on Student Misconduct
Read and understand the School Statement on Misconduct available at Plagiarism or collusion will result in penalties.
Assignment Problem
Problem Description
You are in charge of a small microbrewery business for k consecutive days. You have a work schedule represented by an array work of k non-negative integers.
There are two workers w0 and w1 with specific working constraints such as maximum number of consecutive days they can work ( maxShift ), minimum number of days off between shifts
( minBreak ), their capacity to complete work on each day ( capacity ), and salary cost for working on each day ( cost ).
A roster for the k days is a list where each element indicates the set of workers scheduled to
work on that day. A roster is valid if it satisfies the workers’ constraints.
The goal is to find a valid roster for the k days with the minimum total cost.
Consider k = 5 days, work = [15,5,12,17,7] ,
w0 = (maxShift = 2, minBreak = 1, capacity = [10,4,5,0,8], cost = [1,2,2,1,1]) , and
w1 = (maxShift = 1, minBreak = 3, capacity = [6,8,3,2,3], cost = [0,1,1,1,2]) .
An optimal roster is roster = [{“w0”, “w1”},{},{“w0”},{},{“w0”}] with a total cost of 33.
(a) Optimal Substructure – Recursive Solution (20 marks)
Implement the public static method optimalRecursive in the Recursive class to provide a naive recursive algorithm to determine the total cost of an optimal valid roster. The method should not return the roster itself but only the total cost.
(b) Time Complexity of Recursive Algorithm (15 marks)
Give an asymptotic lower bound on the worst-case time complexity of the recursive algorithm in terms of k . Provide a lower-bound recurrence, justify it, and solve it.
(c) Dynamic Programming Solution (30 marks)
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