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[SOLVED] Comp1406 – assignment 8


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In this assignment, you will add a menu bar and dialog boxes to your Seat
Purchasing System from the last assignment.Beginning with your code from the last assignment, add a JMenubar to your main window with a Game
menu which contains 5 JRadioButtonMenuItems as “Game 1”, “Game 2”, “Game 3”, “Game 4” and “All
4 Games”.Here is what your interface may look like (note that the Game menu has been selected so you can see
what it has inside it):You will need to adjust your Seat class to show its availability for exactly 4 games. Each seat may be
purchased for up to 4 games/events. Add, to the Seat class, a boolean array attribute called sold that
keeps track of whether or not the seat has been sold for each of the exactly 4 games/events (i.e., the
array will be of size 4).By default, a seat should not be sold for any of the 4 games. Therefore, when
you start the application, the stadium should have all seats available for all 4 games.Adjust your code so that when the Purchase button is pressed on the main application window, then the
seats that are currently selected become sold and so they are no longer available for that particular
game. Make sure that the following behavior is working:1. purchased (i.e., unavailable) seats appear as white squares.
2. seats are purchased ONLY for the particular game that is selected in the menu.3. if “All 4 Games” is selected from the menu, then the seats should be purchased for all 4
games and hence become unavailable for all 4 games.
4. If “All 4 Games” is selected, then the price for each seat currently selected should be
multiplied by 4 and a 10% discount (before taxes) should be applied.5. if “All 4 Games” is selected from the menu, then only seats that are available (i.e., not sold)
for ALL of the 4 games should be able to be selected and purchased. So if a seat has
been sold even for just one game, then it should appear white when “All 4 Games” is
selected from the menu.6. whenever any game is selected from the menu, all currently selected seats should become
7. The Purchase button should be disabled if no seats are selected and enabled otherwise. Change your code so that when the purchase button is pressed, a dialog box appears to allow the user
to enter purchasing information and to confirm the purchase. If the purchase is indeed made, then the
availability of the seats changes (as you already wrote).However, if the user cancels the purchase,
then no change to the seating availability should be made.Create the dialog box in a class called PurchaseDialog. You should make use of the following
PurchasePanel class.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class PurchasePanel extends JPanel {
private JTextField nameTextField;
private JTextField addressTextField;
private JTextField cityTextField;
private JTextField provinceTextField;
private JTextField postalCodeTextField;
private JTextField costTextField;
private JTextField expiryDateTextField;
private JTextField creditCardTextField;
private String creditCardType;// Make a get method so that the textfields can be accessed externally
public JTextField getNameTextField() { return nameTextField; }
public JTextField getAddressTextField() { return addressTextField; }
public JTextField getCityTextField() { return cityTextField; }
public JTextField getProvinceTextField() { return provinceTextField; }
public JTextField getPostalCodeTextField() { return postalCodeTextField; }
public JTextField getExpiryDateTextField() { return expiryDateTextField; }
public JTextField getCreditCardTextField() { return creditCardTextField; }
public JTextField getCostTextField() { return costTextField; }
public String getCreditCardType() { return creditCardType; }// Add a constructor that takes the price of the seat(s)
public PurchasePanel (String cost) {
// Make a nice border
setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(“Customer Information”));// Create text fields
nameTextField = new JTextField(“”);
addressTextField = new JTextField(“”);
cityTextField = new JTextField(“”);
provinceTextField = new JTextField(“”);
postalCodeTextField = new JTextField(“”);
expiryDateTextField = new JTextField(“”);
creditCardTextField = new JTextField(“”);
// populate the costTextField with the price of the seat(s)
costTextField = new JTextField(cost);
// Disallow changing of price of the seat(s)
// Set the layoutManager and add the components
setLayout(new GridLayout(13,2,5,5));
JLabel aLabel = new JLabel(“Name :”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“Address :”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“City :”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“Province :”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“Postal Code :”);
add(new JLabel(“”));
add(new JLabel(“”));
aLabel = new JLabel(“CreditCard :”);
ButtonGroup aButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
JRadioButton aButton;
aButton = new JRadioButton(“MasterCard”);
aButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
creditCardType = e.getActionCommand();
add(new JLabel(“”));
aButton = new JRadioButton(“Visa”);
aButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
creditCardType = e.getActionCommand();
add(new JLabel(“”));
aButton = new JRadioButton(“American Express”);
aButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
creditCardType = e.getActionCommand();
aLabel = new JLabel(“Expiry Date :”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“Credit Card Number :”);
add(new JLabel(“”));
add(new JLabel(“”));
aLabel = new JLabel(“Seat(s) Price :”);
}The dialog box must have a CANCEL button and an ACCEPT button. Here is an example of what your
dialog box should look like:If the user presses the ACCEPT button on the dialog box, the transaction must be accepted, which
should cause the seats to be sold and an appropriate “receipt” printed to the System.out console
showing all user-entered information from the dialog box as well as a list of all seat/game information for
the purchases seats…along with the breakdown of the price paid….basically, it should display all possible
available information from the dialog box as well as the seats as follows:Confirmation of Purchase:
Name: Jen Tull
Address: 189 Oak St.
City: Ottawa
Province: ON
Postal Code: J2KL5Y
Credit Card Type: MasterCard
Expiry Date: 03/17
Credit Card Number: 1111 2222 3333 4444
Seat(s) Description for Game Number 2:
Section: 2 Row: G Number: 5 Price: $47.00
Section: 2 Row: G Number: 6 Price: $47.00
Section: 2 Row: G Number: 7 Price: $47.00
Seat(s) Price: $141.00 HST: $18.33 Total: $159.33
Then the dialog window should close. However, if
the user pressed the CANCEL button, then the
following JOptionPane should appear:
If the user then selects No, then the JOptionPane
disappears and the purchase dialog box remains.
If the user selects Yes, then the seats do not get
purchased, the purchase dialog box closes and the main window should appear as it looked before the
dialog box was opened.If the user clicks on the Administrator button, an AdminLoginDialog box should appear. Here is the
code, you just need to complete the okButtonClicked() method:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class AdminLoginDialog extends JDialog {
private JButton okButton;
private JTextField userTextField;
private JPasswordField passwordField;
// The client (i.e. caller of this dialog box)
private DialogClientInterface client;
// A constructor that takes the model and client as parameters
public AdminLoginDialog(Frame owner, DialogClientInterface cli){
super(owner,”Administrator Login”,true);
client = cli;
// Add the components using a grid layout
setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3, 5, 5));
JLabel aLabel = new JLabel(“User ID: “);
userTextField = new JTextField(“”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“Password: “);
passwordField = new JPasswordField (“”);
add(new JLabel(“”)); // leave a blank
add(okButton = new JButton(“OK”));
// Listen for ok button click
new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
// Listen for window closing: treat like cancel button
new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) {
setSize(220, 120);
private void okButtonClicked(){
// This code needs to be written
}If the user enters the username “COMP1406” and password “SECRET” and then presses the OK button,
then the dialog box should disappear and a new SeatInfoDialog box (see below) should appear showing
information regarding all of the seats that were sold so far.If
any other username or password has been entered, the
SeatInfoDialogBox does not appear, but instead, the
following JOptionPane should appear stating that the
username and/or password was invalid —————————>Whether the login was valid or not, the AdminLoginDialog
should disappear once OK is clicked.Create the SeatInfoDialog class as a subclass of JDialog such that it displays information as follows:
The modal dialog box can use a 8 x 3 GridLayout, showing various JLabels (for the bottom row you can
use two blank labels before the OK button).To obtain the number of seats sold per game and the total
sales, you can simply count all seats in the Stadium that have been sold. Also, you can get the price of
these seats, adding 13% HST. (Hint: Calculate these total first in two arrays of size 4 each…one for
seats sold, one for sales… then make JLabels from that data).Make sure that the dialog box has one
button on it at the bottom labeled OK, which when clicked closes the dialog box. There does not need
to be a client for this dialog box since the main window does not need to be informed when this dialog
box closes.Here is some code to get you started:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class SeatInfoDialog extends JDialog {
private JButton okButton;
private JTextField userTextField;
private JPasswordField passwordField;
public SeatInfoDialog(Stadium stadium){
super((JDialog)null,”Administrator Sales Report”,true);
// Add the components
setLayout(new GridLayout(8,3));
JLabel aLabel = new JLabel(“GAME”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“SEATS SOLD”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“SALES”);
// …
// Replace the FOR loop below with your own code to add all the game stats
for (int temp=0; temp<12; temp++) add(new JLabel(“”)); // Leave blanks
// …
aLabel = new JLabel(“——————-“);
aLabel = new JLabel(“——————-“);
aLabel = new JLabel(“——————-“);
aLabel = new JLabel(“TOTAL”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“???”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“???”);
aLabel = new JLabel(“”); // Leave a blank
aLabel = new JLabel(“”); // Leave a blank
add(okButton = new JButton(“OK”));
// Prevent the window from being resized
setSize(300, 240);
}NOTE: Submit all .java and .class files needed to run. You MUST NOT use packages in your code, nor projects.Submit
ALL of your files in one folder such that they can be opened and compiled individually in JCreator. Some IDEs may create
packages and/or projects automatically. You MUST export the .java files and remove the package code at the top if it is
there.Do NOT submit JCreator projects either. JUST SUBMIT the JAVA and CLASS FILES. Note that if your internet
connection at home is down or does not work, we will not accept this as a reason for handing in an assignment late … so
make sure to submit the assignment WELL BEFORE it is due !Please NOTE that you WILL lose marks on this assignment if any of your files are missing. You
will also lose marks if your code is not written neatly with proper indentation. See examples in
the notes for proper style.


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[SOLVED] Comp1406 – assignment 8