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[SOLVED] Comp1406 – assignment 2


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In this assignment, you will create 3 objects and get them to interact together.
Specifically, you will create a TicketBooth object in which Person objects will
purchase tickets in order to get onto Rides.You will define these classes,
then do testing which simulates many people buying tickets and getting on the
rides. The testing will then compute additional information about the rides and ticket booth.Define a class called Ride that defines the following attributes:
• name – a string indicating the name of the ride
• ticketsRequired – int indicating the number of tickets
that must be used to get onto this ride• heightRequirement – float indicating minimum height
requirement for a person to be allowed on this ride
• numberOfRiders – int indicating the number of riders on
the ride so farWrite a constructor that takes as parameters the name of the ride, # of tickets
required and height requirement. Also, write a zero-parameter constructor. Lastly, write a
toString() method that returns a string in the following format:Roller Coaster requiring 6 tickets with a height restriction of 4.9′NOTE: You DO NOT need to make private attributes, nor get/set methods for this assignment.
Write a test program called RideTestProgram.java that creates two rides using the 3-parameter
constructor and one ride using the 0-parameter constructor and then displays the rides to the
console. Run your code to make sure that it works.Define a class called TicketBooth that defines the following attributes:
• moneyMade – a float indicating the amount of money received by
this booth so far
• availablePasses – an int indicating the number of passes that are
available at this booth• availableTickets – an int indicating the number of tickets that are
available at this booth
Define the following two static constants in the TicketBooth class:
• TICKET_PRICE – the price for each individual ticket … set it to be $0.50.
• PASS_PRICE – the price for a ride pass … set it to be $16.50.Write a zero-parameter constructor as well as one that takes an initial # of passes that the booth
has available. Also, write a constructor that takes an initial number of passes that the booth has
available as well as the number of tickets that it has available. So … you will write 3 constructors
altogether. Lastly, write a toString() method that returns a string with the following format:
Ticket booth with 5 passes and 28 ticketsMaking use of the two class constants above whenever possible, write these 2 methods:
• a sellPass() method that simulates the selling of a ride pass at this booth (Hint: Think of
what happens in real life and then determine how the TicketBooth object changes as a
result of this method. Make sure to handle the situation where there are no passes
available).• a sellTickets(int num) method that simulates the selling of the specified number of tickets
at this booth. If there are not enough tickets to accommodate the requested amount then
nothing happens, no selling takes place. (Hint: Think the same way as you did above).Test your code with this program called TicketBoothTestProgram.java:
public class TicketBoothTestProgram {
public static void main(String args[]) {
TicketBooth booth1, booth2;booth1 = new TicketBooth(5, 50);
booth2 = new TicketBooth(1, 10);System.out.println(“Here are the booths at the start:”);
System.out.println(” ” + booth1);
System.out.println(” ” + booth2);// Simulate selling 2 passes, 5 tickets, 12 tickets and 3 tickets from booth1
booth1.sellTickets(3);// Simulate selling 2 passes, 5 tickets, 12 tickets and 3 tickets from booth2
booth2.sellTickets(3);// Make sure that it all worked
Booth 1 has made $” + booth1.moneyMade);
System.out.println(“Booth 2 has made $” + booth2.moneyMade);
Here are the booths at the end:”);
System.out.println(” ” + booth1);
System.out.println(” ” + booth2);
The code should produce the following output exactly:
Here are the booths at the start:
Ticket booth with 5 passes and 50 tickets
Ticket booth with 1 passes and 10 tickets
Booth 1 has made $43.0
Booth 2 has made $20.5
Here are the booths at the end:
Ticket booth with 3 passes and 30 tickets
Ticket booth with 0 passes and 2 ticketsDefine a class called Person which has attributes called height , money ,
ticketCount and hasPass.The money and height variables are floats representing the amount of
money the person currently has and the person’s height (in inches).
The ticketCount is an integer indicating the number of tickets the person
currently has and hasPass is a boolean indicating whether or not the
person has a pass to get on the rides (assume a person can have at most 1
pass).Write a constructor & all necessary methods in the Person class so that the
following code produces the output as shown below:
public class PersonTester {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Person mary;mary = new Person(4.9f, 20.00f);
System.out.println(mary); // Notice the money is properly formatted
mary.ticketCount = 3;
mary.useTickets(2); // You have to write this method
mary.hasPass = true;
Here is the output that your program MUST produce:
4.9′ person with $20.00 and 0 tickets
4.9′ person with $20.00 and 3 tickets
4.9′ person with $20.00 and 1 tickets
4.9′ person with $20.00 and a pass
Make sure to test your class with the test code above BEFORE you continue.Add the following instance methods to the Person class:
• buyPass(TicketBooth booth) – This method simulates the person
buying a ride pass from the given booth object. It should
modify the person and the booth in the appropriate way, and
then return a boolean indicating whether or not the transaction
was successful.The transaction is successful ONLY if the
booth has a pass available AND the person has enough money
for the pass.• buyTickets(int number, TicketBooth booth) – This method simulates
the person attempting to buy the specified number of tickets
from the given booth object. It should modify the person and
the booth in the appropriate way. If the booth does not have
the specified number of tickets available, then the number of
tickets to be sold should be reduced to the number of remaining
tickets available.Then, if the person has enough money to buy the resulting number of tickets
(i.e., either the requested amount or the reduced amount) then the purchase is made. If the
person does not have enough money to buy the tickets, then the number of tickets sold should
be further reduced to the number of tickets that the person can afford. The method must
return an integer representing the number of tickets actually sold. Make sure that the booth
maintains a proper total of all money paid to it.• allowedToRide(Ride aRide) – This method determines whether or not the person is allowed to ride
on the given ride. A person can get on a ride if he/she meets the ride’s minimum height
requirements AND the person either has a pass OR the required number of tickets for that
ride. The method MUST return a boolean and MUST NOT have any System.out.println code
within it. Also, it MUST be written efficiently … you will lose marks for unnecessary code …
make use of any methods you already have.• getOn(Ride aRide) – This method simulates the person getting on the given ride. A person can
get on a ride ONLY if he/she is allowed to (i.e., make sure you use the method you just wrote).
Make sure that the Person AND the Ride object are updated accordingly (no tickets are used
if the person has a pass). The method MUST NOT have any System.out.println code within it
and it should return true if the person was able to get on the ride and false otherwise.Make sure to now test your code with the following test case in a class called FairTester:
public class FairTester {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Ride coaster, ferris, merryGo, tosser;
Person billy, donna, fredy, harry, larry;
TicketBooth booth;
// Make some rides on which people can ride, specify name, #tickets & height req
coaster = new Ride(“Roller Coaster”, 6, 4.25f);
ferris = new Ride(“Ferris Wheel”, 5, 3.1f);
merryGo = new Ride(“Merry-Go-Round”, 2, 0);
tosser = new Ride(“Tummy Tosser”, 7, 4.9f);// Make a booth, specifiying the number of available passes and tickets
booth = new TicketBooth(4, 100);// Make some people by specifying their height and their money amounts
billy = new Person(4.9f, 10.00f);
donna = new Person(3.0f, 5.00f);
fredy = new Person(6.0f, 0.00f);
harry = new Person(4.8f, 78.50f);
larry = new Person(4.0f, 50.00f);System.out.println(booth);
Billy is a ” + billy);
System.out.println(“Billy just bought ” + billy.buyTickets(20, booth) +
” tickets.”);System.out.println(“Billy attempting to go on the ” + coaster);
System.out.println(“Billy got on: ” + billy.getOn(coaster));
System.out.println(“Billy attempting to go on the ” + tosser);
System.out.println(“Billy got on: ” + billy.getOn(tosser));
System.out.println(“Billy is now a ” + billy + “
System.out.println(“Donna is a ” + donna);
System.out.println(“Donna is trying to buy a pass…was she successful: ”
+ donna.buyPass(booth));System.out.println(“Donna just bought ” + donna.buyTickets(6, booth) +
” tickets.”);
System.out.println(“Donna is attempting to go on the ” + ferris);
System.out.println(“Donna got on: ” + donna.getOn(ferris));
System.out.println(“Donna is attempting to go on the ” + merryGo);
System.out.println(“Donna got on: ” + donna.getOn(merryGo));
System.out.println(“Donna is now a ” + donna + “
”);System.out.println(“Fredy is a ” + fredy);
System.out.println(“Fredy just bought ” + fredy.buyTickets(5, booth) +
” tickets.”);
System.out.println(“Fredy is attempting to go on the ” + merryGo);
System.out.println(“Fredy got on: ” + fredy.getOn(merryGo));
System.out.println(“Fredy is now a ” + fredy + “
”);System.out.println(“Harry is a ” + harry);
System.out.println(“Harry just bought ” + harry.buyTickets(10, booth) +
” tickets.”);
System.out.println(“Harry is trying to buy a pass…was he successful: ”
+ harry.buyPass(booth));
System.out.println(“Harry is attempting to go on the ” + coaster);
System.out.println(“Harry got on: ” + harry.getOn(coaster));System.out.println(“Harry is attempting to go on the ” + tosser);
System.out.println(“Harry got on: ” + harry.getOn(tosser));
System.out.println(“Harry is attempting to go on the ” + coaster);
System.out.println(“Harry got on: ” + harry.getOn(coaster));
System.out.println(“Harry is now a ” + harry + “
”);System.out.println(“Larry is a ” + larry);
System.out.println(“Larry just bought ” + larry.buyTickets(15, booth) +
” tickets.”);
System.out.println(“Larry is attempting to go on the ” + tosser);
System.out.println(“Larry got on: ” + larry.getOn(tosser));
System.out.println(“Larry is attempting to go on the ” + coaster);System.out.println(“Larry got on: ” + larry.getOn(coaster));
System.out.println(“Larry is attempting to go on the ” + merryGo);
System.out.println(“Larry got on: ” + larry.getOn(merryGo));
System.out.println(“Larry is now a ” + larry + “
System.out.println(“Ticket Booth made $” + booth.moneyMade);
System.out.println(booth);System.out.println(coaster + ” and had ” + coaster.numberOfRiders + ” riders.”);
System.out.println(ferris + ” and had ” + ferris.numberOfRiders + ” riders.”);
System.out.println(merryGo + ” and had ” + merryGo.numberOfRiders + ” riders.”);
System.out.println(tosser + ” and had ” + tosser.numberOfRiders + ” riders.”);
Here is the output to expect (pay attention to the bold values to make sure that your code is correct):
Ticket booth with 4 passes and 100 tickets
Billy is a 4.9′ person with $10.00 and 0 tickets
Billy just bought 20 tickets.Billy attempting to go on the Roller Coaster requiring 6 tickets with a height restriction of 4.25′
Billy got on: true
Billy attempting to go on the Tummy Tosser requiring 7 tickets with a height restriction of 4.9′
Billy got on: true
Billy is now a 4.9′ person with $0.00 and 7 tickets
Donna is a 3.0′ person with $5.00 and 0 tickets
Donna is trying to buy a pass…was she successful: false
Donna just bought 6 tickets.Donna is attempting to go on the Ferris Wheel requiring 5 tickets with a height restriction of 3.1′
Donna got on: false
Donna is attempting to go on the Merry-Go-Round requiring 2 tickets with a height restriction of
Donna got on: true
Donna is now a 3.0′ person with $2.00 and 4 tickets
Fredy is a 6.0′ person with $0.00 and 0 tickets
Fredy just bought 0 tickets.
Fredy is attempting to go on the Merry-Go-Round requiring 2 tickets with a height restriction of
Fredy got on: falseFredy is now a 6.0′ person with $0.00 and 0 tickets
Harry is a 4.8′ person with $78.50 and 0 tickets
Harry just bought 10 tickets.
Harry is trying to buy a pass…was he successful: true
Harry is attempting to go on the Roller Coaster requiring 6 tickets with a height restriction of
4.25′Harry got on: true
Harry is attempting to go on the Tummy Tosser requiring 7 tickets with a height restriction of 4.9′
Harry got on: false
Harry is attempting to go on the Roller Coaster requiring 6 tickets with a height restriction of
Harry got on: true
Harry is now a 4.8′ person with $57.00 and a pass
Larry is a 4.0′ person with $50.00 and 0 tickets
Larry just bought 15 tickets.
Larry is attempting to go on the Tummy Tosser requiring 7 tickets with a height restriction of 4.9′
Larry got on: false
Larry is attempting to go on the Roller Coaster requiring 6 tickets with a height restriction of
Larry got on: false
Larry is attempting to go on the Merry-Go-Round requiring 2 tickets with a height restriction of
Larry got on: true
Larry is now a 4.0′ person with $42.50 and 13 tickets
Ticket Booth made $42.0
Ticket booth with 3 passes and 49 ticketsRoller Coaster requiring 6 tickets with a height restriction of 4.25′ and had 3 riders.
Ferris Wheel requiring 5 tickets with a height restriction of 3.1′ and had 0 riders.
Merry-Go-Round requiring 2 tickets with a height restriction of 0.0′ and had 2 riders.
Tummy Tosser requiring 7 tickets with a height restriction of 4.9′ and had 1 riders.NOTE: Submit all .java and .class files needed to run. You MUST NOT use packages in your code, nor projects.Submit ALL of your files in one folder such that they can be opened and compiled individually in JCreator. Some IDEs
may create packages and/or projects automatically. You MUST export the .java files and remove the package code at
the top if it is there. Do NOT submit JCreator projects either. JUST SUBMIT the JAVA and CLASS FILES.Note that
if your internet connection at home is down or does not work, we will not accept this as a reason for handing in an
assignment late … so make sure to submit the assignment WELL BEFORE it is due !Please NOTE that you WILL lose marks on this assignment if any of your files are missing.
You will also lose marks if your code is not written neatly with proper indentation. See
examples in the notes for proper style.


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[SOLVED] Comp1406 – assignment 2