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[SOLVED] ‌comp0034 2023/24 coursework 1 specification (individual)


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COMP0034 2023/24 Coursework 1 specification (Individual)

Version: 1.0 Released 05/01/24


  1. Introduction

  2. Getting started

  3. Technologies that must be used

  4. Coursework content

  5. Submission

  6. Marking

  7. Appendices

    1. Adding challenge

    2. Unresolved bugs and code issues

    3. Referencing

    4. Support and guidance

    5. Changes to coursework submission dates

    6. SoRA and EC

    7. Late submission penalties

    8. Data sets

  1. Introduction

    1. Application code

    2. Test code

    3. Tools and techniques

  2. Getting started

    1. Create a GitHub repository using GitHub classroom:

      1. Login to GitHub.com.

      2. Click on the GitHub classroom link for individuals.

      3. Accept the assignment.

      4. If prompted, accept to join the comp0035-ucl organisation.

    2. Add a copy of your data set from COMP0035 to your repository.

      You must only use the data sets as approved for COMP0035. Which data set to use depends on your circumstances:


      Data to use

      Worked as an individual for COMP0035

      and COMP0034

      Same as used for COMP0035 coursework.

      Worked in a group for COMP0035,

      changed to individual for COMP0034

      Use the data set and any app specification and designs from your previous group. You must not otherwise collaborate with former group members in completing the COMP0034 coursework, for example you must not have access to their COMP0034 repository.

      Did not complete COMP0035 in 2023/24

      Contact the course tutor to obtain one of the 2023/24 approved data sets.

  3. Technologies that must be used

    1. GitHub for source code control.

      Use GitHub, with repositories created in GitHub classroom to allow tutors and PGTAs to gain access. If you can’t use GitHub for some reason please contact the course tutor to

      1. Flask python library.

        You must use python Flask to create the core REST API app. You may use additional Python libraries to support your work.

      2. Use .pdf or .md format for written content.

      All written evidence must be combined into a single file and submitted either as PDF or markdown. Name this comp0034-coursework1.pdf or comp0034-coursework1.md as appropriate.

  4. Coursework content

    The minimum requirements for each section are listed below.

    See appendices for suggestions to increase the challenge evidenced in your work.

    Application code

    Write code to create a REST API using Flask that returns data from your data set. The app code must be submitted with an appropriate file and folder structure for a Flask app. Jupyter notebooks are not accepted.

    The minimum required:

    image A Flask app that can be run in development mode from the command line. image One GET route.

    image One POST route.

    image One PUT or DELETE route.

    image Interacts with the data set data. The minimum is to read from the .csv/.xslx files. image Returns JSON format data.

    There is no written evidence expected for this section. However, if there is something you wish to explain in relation to the code then please add a section called ‘Application code’ to comp0034-coursework1.pdf/md.

    Test code

    Write code tests for the REST API using pytest and the Flask test client. Code must be submitted as Python files in an appropriate file and folder structure for tests. Jupyter notebooks are not accepted.

    Add evidence of the tests being run to the comp0034-coursework1.pdf/md document in a section named ‘Testing’.

    The minimum required:

    Two tests for each route in your application.

    Evidence that the tests have been run (e.g. screenshot).

    image You must use GitHub for source code control unless otherwise agreed in advance with the course tutor.

    image Add the URL of your GitHub repository in a section called ‘Tools and techniques’ in


    image Demonstrate use of source code control throughout the coursework. Evidenced by commit history in GitHub.

    image Appropriate use of .gitignore. Evidence by presence of .gitignore file in GitHub.

    image Provide instructions in README.md which the marker (or any other developer) can use to configure and run your app.

    image Dependency management: Provide a requirements.txt file (or appropriate alternative).

    Any additional evidence for this section should be added to comp0034-coursework1.pdf/md.


    Add a section called ‘References’ to comp0034-coursework1.pdf/md. References should include:

    image Acknowledgement of the use of AI image Attribution for the data set

    image Code references

    image Books, papers, websites etc. (if used)

    See the Appendix – Referencing for details on how to reference each of the above.

  5. Submission

    Submit your work on Moodle as a single .zip in the assignment submission. Refer to Moodle for the deadline date and time.

    Moodle is used as the submission date/time and to authenticate students. GitHub is not an accepted submission system.

    The .zip should expand to the correct folder structure with all required files. Ensure that all files are included in the zip, files that are only provided as URLs will be excluded from marking consideration (since they may be modified after the coursework is submitted). Do not include virtual environment, venv files please.

    The submission must include:

    image Application code image Test code

    image comp0034-coursework1.pdf or comp0034-coursework1.md. If using markdown make sure any linked files are also included in the submission.

  6. Marking

Mark allocation and calculation

App code



Test code



Tools and techniques



Grading criteria

The ‘UCL Computer Science: Marking Criteria and Grade Descriptors’ will be used to assess the coursework (using only the criteria that are relevant to this coursework). In addition to the standard descriptors, further guidance is given for this coursework in the table below.

As there can be a wide range of solutions it isn’t possible to cover everything you might do to achieve a given level. The following should be used as guidance.

Higher mark bands assume that the criteria from lower bands have been fully achieved.

App code

As a guide, marking considers aspects such as:

are the minimum requirements met?

range of skills/sophistication/challenge evidenced in the resulting application code code quality: Python standards, structure and configuration of the application, use of functions and/or classes, DRY and other design principles

Grade band

Generic CS Descriptor

Coursework-specific indicators

Distinction 90+

Exceptional solution and advanced algorithm/technical design.

Generic CS descriptor used, no additional coursework-specific indicators.

Distinction 70-89

Excellent solution, novel and creative approach.

Evidence of challenge and code that goes beyond that covered in the taught materials.

Makes good use of the technologies introduced to manipulate data.

Excellent code quality maintained throughout; evidence the code meets principles of good design.

Merit 60-


Good solution, skilled use of concepts, mostly correct and only minor faults.

Evidence of challenge beyond the minimum requirements.

Consistently good code quality. App created and configured effectively.

Good use of a range of techniques.

High pass 50-59

Reasonable solution, using basic required concepts, several

Meets the minimum requirements. Code quality issues.

Little/no evidence of challenge beyond the core

with minimal change.

Test code

As a guide, marking considers aspects such as:

did you meet the minimum requirements of this section? evidence of challenge and sophistication in the test code.

the quality and structure of the test code. This includes code quality, test naming and structure, documentation, appropriate use of assertions, use of fixtures etc.

Grade band

Generic CS Criteria

Coursework-specific indicators

Distinction 90+

Exceptionally comprehensive testing, extremely thorough approach to testing.

Tests are extensive in their range and scope. There is greater evidence of sophistication in the testing.

Exemplary use of supporting tools such as CI.

Distinction 70-89

Very well done test cases.

Tests are more extensive than the minimum AND test code quality is consistently excellent AND tests show a distinctive level of sophistication e.g. in the use of fixtures, parameterised tests, types of tests etc.

Effective use of CI is also expected for this level.

Merit 60-


Solid testing.

Test code quality is consistently good. Tests show some sophistication e.g. in the use of fixtures or the types of tests. Some use of CI may be expected at this level.

High pass 50-59

Basic testing done.

Minimum requirements met; though the test quality may be lower and the tests straightfoward.

Low pass 40-49

Few test cases, but weak

Tests may be incomplete or have substantial issues.

image Has source code control been used regularly and appropriately?

image Are the dependencies managed using an appropriate technique? Are all the dependencies included?

image Are set up instructions provided? Was the app able to be run after the set-up instructions were followed?

These are not covered by the generic CS grading criteria.

Grade band

Coursework-specific indicators

Distinction 90+

Near flawless use of tools and techniques; techniques used in a way that is beyond the course base materials.

Distinction 70-89

Exceptional use of a range of tools and techniques that goes beyond the minimum required.

Merit 60-


Effective use of source code control e.g. timely use, appropriate messages. Setup includes pyproject.toml (or alternative).

Setup instructions complete and clear.

High pass 50-59

Regular use of source code control.

All dependencies appropriately included (e.g. in requirements.txt). Setup instructions provided.

Low pass 40-49

Limited use of source code control.

Requirements.txt missing substantial number of dependencies. setup instructions may be missing or incomplete.


  1. Adding challenge

  2. Unresolved bugs and code issues

  3. Referencing

  4. Support and guidance

  5. Changes to coursework submission dates

  6. SoRA and EC

  7. Late submission penalties

  8. Data sets

  1. Adding challenge

    The following are suggestions of things you might do to increase the challenge of your solution. This is not an exhaustive list and other suggestions may be given in the course materials.

    Application code

    image More challenging routes (PUT and DELETE).

    image Interacts with a SQLite database using Flask-SQLAlchemy rather than direct to

    .csv/.xlsx files.

    image Effective error handling (HTTP errors, data interactions etc.).

    Test code

    Tools and techniques

    image Continuous integration (tests, linting) image Linting

    If you use other tools/techniques please provide screenshots, PDF, or other formats that can be downloaded and included in your zip (these must be able to be opened using freely available tools). URL links to external sites are not accepted for marking purposes.

  2. Unresolved bugs and code issues

    There may be problems with your code that you were not able to address in the timescales of the project. This is not unusual either for the coursework or in real life.

    If this occurs, add the following to the comp0034-coursework1.(pdf/md) in an ‘Application code’ section, or ‘Testing’ section if it relates to the test code:

    image what the problem is or how it is affecting your app image where in the code the issue is

    image what steps you took to try and address the issue

  3. Referencing

    Acknowledgement of the use of AI

    If you did not use AI then clearly state this. Otherwise, you must include the following details:

    image Name and version of the generative AI system used; e.g. ChatGPT-3.5 image Publisher (company that made the AI system); e.g. OpenAI

    image URL of the AI system.

    image Brief description (single sentence) of context in which the tool was used. image Statement of how the AI influenced your code.

    This is based on UCL student guidance on the use of AI. |

    Reference your dataset

    Include any details to acknowledge your dataset (attribution) to comply with any license condition required for your data set (given in the data set link in COMP0035 Moodle).

    Book, journal, web article etc. references

    It is unlikely to you will have any but if you do then include them.

    For book, journal, and web article references, follow the referencing style you use in your own department (e.g. Harvard, APA). Different departments in UCL use different styles.

    Code references

    image Include citations within your code using code comments close to the affected code.

    An example:

    def play_sound(button_text):

    # Adapted from code from ‘remdog’ on the Plotly Community Forum at

    # https://community.plotly.com/t/linking-scatter-plot-elements-to-audio- files/11908/6

    # Accessed 01/02/21

    …some code here…

    When to cite code

    You must cite external sources; including where you copy and then adapt the code. External sources include:

    image user forums e.g. stack overflow

    image open source repositories e.g. GitHub repos where an explicit open source license is stated image communities associated with a library e.g. plotly forum

    image course teaching materials

    image official library documentation and tutorials of the python libraries and frameworks It is not appropriate to copy from other students on the course, past or present.

    You do not need to cite:

    image code from the COMP0035 course teaching materials.

    image boilerplate code from the official library documentation of the required python libraries and frameworks that are expected to be used in the coursework e.g. flask, flask- sqlalchemy.

  4. Support and guidance

    The assessments start in week 1 (coursework 1) and week 5 (coursework 2) of the course. You are expected to make progress each week.

    1. Moodle activities (online): There are weekly activities and checkpoints in Moodle to guide your progress.

    2. Weekly lab/tutorial sessions (in person): Module staff will be available to provide support and guidance in weekly lab/tutorial sessions. Use these sessions to complete activities and then work on your coursework.

    3. Tutor office hours (online): The tutor will be available during a weekly module office hour (see Moodle).

    4. Moodle Q&A (online): You can ask questions at any time in the Moodle Q&A forum where anyone in the course is able to reply. When posting questions about your code, please post the URL to your repository. This enables the tutor and PGTAs to see your code which is usually essential for solving technical problems! Other students won’t be able to access your repository from this URL so long as your repository is private and is within the ucl-comp0035 organisation.

Requests to change these for all students must be made to the course tutor who will then forward the request to the relevant authority in the computer science department. Requests must be supported with appropriate evidence of the need for change.

  1. SoRA and EC

    If you have an approved extension resulting from a SoRA or EC, these will be carefully checked by the teaching and learning team before marks are entered in portico.

    However, the deadlines in Moodle may not be modified for individuals, so it may appear on Moodle that your submission is late even though you have an approved extension to cover the period.

  2. Late submission penalties

    Late submission rules apply to all assessments.

    Any penalties for late submission are applied by the computer science teaching and learning team when marks are entered in portico.

    The mark you see in the Moodle gradebook may not be your final mark as it is the mark before moderation or any penalty has been applied.

  3. Data sets

Only use the ethics approved data sets.

The data sets allocated to students on this course have been approved by the Computer Science Ethics Committee and signed by the Head of Department for use in this course. These data sources comply with GDPR and UCL ethics and data protection policies. You must not use any other data set for the coursework.

The approved data sets do not require data protection registration and since you will not be working with participants in your project there is no requirement to complete any further training relating to data protection and GDPR.


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[SOLVED] ‌comp0034 2023/24 coursework 1 specification (individual)