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[SOLVED] COMM 1000 Critical Thinking Assignment Part C C/C


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COMM 1000

Critical Thinking Assignment Part C

Final Draft


1) Apply your critical thinking skills to engage with a topic.

Course Learning Outcomes worked towards:

1) Apply a set of strategies to create short pieces of organized, coherent, clear, and concise writing with an understanding of one’s audience and purpose.

2) Apply critical reading strategies to improve comprehension of text

3) Apply basic understanding of critical thinking skills to engage with a topic.

Value: 15% (of your total mark)

Due Date: Week 13 on the class day at 11:59 pm

Assignment Instructions:

1. Choose one of the options below.

Option 1

Imagine that you work at a resort.  This resort has recently been sold, and the new owners want to make their mark in the tourism industry.  The new owners want guest chefs to come to the resort to introduce new cuisines and/or culinary ideas to the restaurants at the resort.  They think specific guest chefs can attract tourists. The guest chef would stay at the resort for about 2 weeks.

The new owners have asked each employee to recommend a guest chef for the resort.  Your job as an employee at the resort is to recommend a guest chef. The recommendation could show how that guest chef could draw tourists to the resort.

In about 750 words recommend a guest chef to the new resort owners. Your recommendation should be persuasive as you explain to the new owners why your choice of guest chef would attract tourists to the resort. In your recommendation, be sure to explain why the guest chef is personally meaningful and relevant to you.

Your response should have a distinct introduction, body, and conclusion. In your introduction, you should have a clear and logical thesis/ main message. In your body, you should have relevant supporting points, logical reasoning, and appropriate examples to back up your points and overall main message. Do not forget to cite your sources (= intext citations and the matching full references). The conclusion should include the importance/significance of your choice of chef.

You will need to include at least 2 sources (but you can have more than 2) to help you with your recommendation. These sources should be from 2023-2024. For this assignment, references can be articles (from newspapers, magazines, or regular websites), Encyclopedia Britannica articles, ebooks, audiobooks, podcasts, videos, or social media posts, but not academic journal articles (= no articles that have a volume number, an issue number or a doi).

You can use (but don’t have to) the sources from the Paragraph assignment, and Critical Thinking Parts A & B for this option

If you find a reference that you want to use that was posted before 2023, or has no date of publication, send me an email with a link to the source and explain why/how you want to use this reference. I will decide if ‘other’ references can be used on a case-by-case basis.

Cite all of the sources you use in APA 7 formatting for intext citations and the matching full references. Do not use hyperlinks in your referencing.

Option 2

Imagine this scenario involving food delivery. You order food to be delivered to your home. You gave what you consider a reasonable tip for the delivery person in the order. A delivery person contacts you and demands an extra tip to deliver the food. Would you pay the extra tip?

In about 750 words, say whether you would give the delivery person another tip to deliver your food and why.

The focus of this option should be what you would do and why if a delivery driver demanded an extra tip to deliver your food. You can mention the tipping situation for food delivery people, but that should support why you would tip the delivery person or not.

Your response should have a distinct introduction, body, and conclusion. In your introduction, you should have a clear and logical thesis/ main message. In your body, you should have relevant supporting points, logical reasoning, and appropriate examples to back up your points and overall main message. Do not forget to cite your sources of information and examples (= intext citations and the matching full references). The conclusion should include the importance/significance of whether you would give the extra tip or not.

For option 2, you must include information from at least 2 articles from the Food delivery & tipping 2023+ wakelet. (Access the wakelet by clicking on the underlined title). You can use more than 2 articles from the wakelet if you want. You can only use sources that are found in the wakelet for this option. The use of other sources will result in 0/15 for this assignment.

Cite all of the sources you use in APA 7 formatting for intext citations and the matching full references. Do not use hyperlinks in your referencing.

Use the outline from Critical Thinking: Part B (5%) to create the final version of your assignment

2. Format your essay in APA style. This includes the cover page, page numbers, and documenting your sources – including intext citations and the matching full references

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[SOLVED] COMM 1000 Critical Thinking Assignment Part C C/C