The goal of this LAB is to implement a 32-bit ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) with 32 1-bit ALUs. ALU is the basic computing component of a CPU. Its operations include AND, OR, addition, subtraction, etc. This series of LABs will help you understand the CPU architecture.
2. HW Requirement
- Please use Icarus Verilog and GTKWave as your HDL simulator.
- Please attach your name and student ID as comment at the top of each file.
- Please use the Testbench we provide you, and DO NOT modify it.
- The names of top module and IO ports must be named as follows:
Top module: alu.v
ALU starts to work when the signal rst_n is 1, and then catches the data from src1 and src2.
In order to have a good coding style, please obey the rules below:
One module is written in one file.
Module name and file name must be the same.
For example: The file alu.v only contains the module alu.
- Basic instruction set (60%)
ALU action | Description | ALU control input |
AND | Bitwise and | 0000 |
OR | Bitwise or | 0001 |
ADD | Addition (with overflow) | 0010 |
SUB | Subtract | 0110 |
NOR | Bitwise nor | 1100 |
NAND | Bitwise nand | 1101 |
SLT | Set less than (signed) | 0111 |
- ZCV three flags: zero, carry out, and overflow (30%)
Flag name | Operation |
Zero | Output 1 when the output of ALU is 0Otherwise, output 0 |
Cout | Output 1 when the carry-out is 1 (for ADD SUB)Otherwise, output 0 |
Overflow | Output 1 when signed overflow happens (for ADD SUB)Otherwise, output 0 |
4. Bonus: Extra instruction set
ALU action | Description | ALU control input |
SLT | Set less than | 0111_000 |
SGT | Set greater than | 0111_001 |
SLE | Set less equal | 0111_010 |
SGE | Set greater equal | 0111_011 |
SEQ | Set equal | 0111_110 |
SNE | Set not equal | 0111_100 |
Hint: Add a module named Compare in 1-bit ALU!
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