[Solved] CMSC412– OPERATING SYSTEMS–Final Project

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Design and implement a Demand Paging virtual memory simulator!

It must be a text based application (NOT a GUI based one).

You can use the C/C++ or Java programming language.

The following algorithms must be implemented: FIFO, OPT, LRU and LFU.

The application must simulate the execution of each of these algorithms on a hypothetical computer having only N physical frames (numbered from 0 to N-1, N<8), assuming that the single process that is running has a virtual memory of ten frames (numbered from 0 to 9). The number N should be a number provided in the command line as an argument. The algorithms will be simulated based on a reference string (a sequence of pages that are to be accessed) that will be either read from the keyboard or randomly generated.


The program should be menu-based and the menu will keep the user in a loop containing the following options:

0 – Exit

Will exit the program

1 – Read reference string

A reference string will be read from the keyboard and stored in a buffer. Each value of the reference string will be verified and validated (or rejected).

Using option 1 again will result in overwriting the old reference string.

2 – Generate reference string

A reference string will be randomly generated; the length of the reference string will be given by the user interactively. The string will be stored in a buffer.

Using option 2 more than once will result in overwriting the old reference string.

3 – Display current reference string

Will display the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message will be displayed.

4 – Simulate FIFO

Will simulate the step by step execution of the FIFO algorithm using the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message must be displayed.

The user will press a key after each step of the simulation to continue the simulation. The total number of faults will be displayed at the end of the simulation.

5 – Simulate OPT

Will simulate the step by step execution of the OPT algorithm using the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message must be displayed.

The user will press a key after each step of the simulation to continue the simulation. The total number of faults will be displayed at the end of the simulation.

6 – Simulate LRU

Will simulate the step by step execution of the LRU algorithm using the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message must be displayed.

The user will press a key after each step of the simulation to continue the simulation.

The total number of faults will be displayed at the end of the simulation.

7 – Simulate LFU

Will simulate the step by step execution of the LFU algorithm using the stored reference string; if there is no reference string stored yet, an error message must be displayed.

The user will press a key after each step of the simulation to continue the simulation. The total number of faults will be displayed at the end of the simulation.

Selecting a different option will result in an error message but the user will NOT exit the loop!


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[Solved] CMSC412– OPERATING SYSTEMS–Final Project
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