[Solved] CMSC401 Trial Assignment

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Trial Assignment

  • Write a program that prints the multiplication of two selected numbers from a line
  • First line of input contains the number of lines to follow
  • First number of each line, n>=4 and n<=1000, contains the number of integers that follow in the line
  • Those n integers (each integer >=0; <=1000) follow till the end of the line, and should be stored (except the last two) in an array using index numbers 1…n-2
  • The last two integers x, y (x,y>=1 & x,y<=n-2) in the line is the index

(starting from 1) of the integers from the line to multiply and print Example: (colors are just for visualization):

Input: Output:


  • 13 2 5 1 3
  • 5 3 6 7 4 2

9 7 12 2 14 5 7 9 6 3

Input/output in Java

  • Use Standard I/O to read input and write the result For Java, input: System.in, output: System.out
  • To read numbers, one option is:
  • Use a single Scanner object Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
  • Use nextInt()over and over to read integers

number = sc.nextInt(); • To print numbers: System.out.println(x);

  • “Do Not”s
  • Do not read from a disk file/write to disk file
  • Do not write anything to screen except the result
    • Ex: Human centric messages (“the result is”, “please enter..”)
    • Automated grading via script will be used for checking correctness of your output

– Submit as a zip file with name “0_LastName_FirstName.zip” and include:

  • Java source code in a single file java (all lower case letters!)
  • The file should have your name in a comment in the first line
  • Remember: in Java, class name should match the file name, and is case sensitive
  • Please do NOT create your own packages
  • Do NOT place the file into a folder – just zip the file
  • Use standard I/O to read input (System.in, System.out) and output Make sure the program compiles


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[Solved] CMSC401 Trial Assignment
30 $