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[SOLVED] Cmput 274 assignment 2


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Write Python code for a recursive function that outputs all permutations of [1, …, n] (the list of all
numbers from 1 to n) and justify why it works.You should use this function prototype:
d e f pe rmu t a ti on s ( n ) :
Example output for n = 3: [[3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 1], [2, 1, 3], [3, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2], [1, 2, 3]]Question 2 (15 points)
In this problem, you will implement a stack using a single queue. A stack follows the Last In First
Out (LIFO) principle, while a queue follows the First In First Out (FIFO) principle. The goal is to
simulate stack behavior using queue operations.Note: Only use one queue to implement the stack. All operations should run in O(n) time, where n is
the number of elements in the stack.Task: Implement a class StackUsingQueue with the following methods:
c l a s s StackUsingQueue :
d e f i n i t ( s e l f ) :
’ ’ ’
You can assume t h i s Queue c l a s s has the f o l l o w i n g methods :
pop ( ) : r e t u r n the top o f the queue and pop i t
top ( ) : r e t u r n the top o f the queue
enqueue ( ) : add an elemen t t o the back o f the queue
’ ’ ’
s e l f . queue = Queue ( )
d e f push ( s e l f , elemen t ) :
’ ’ ’
Add the elemen t t o the queue , and
r o t a t e the elemen t t o the f r o n t . This
sim ul a t e s pu shin g the elemen t onto the top o f the s t a c k .
’ ’ ’
p a s s
d e f pop ( s e l f ) :
’ ’ ’ Remove the f r o n t elemen t . ’ ’ ’
p a s s
d e f top ( s e l f ) :
’ ’ ’ Checking the top o f the s t a c k . ’ ’ ’
p a s s
d e f i s em p t y ( s e l f ) :
’ ’ ’ Return True i f the queue i s empty . ’ ’ ’
p a s s
d e f s i z e ( s e l f ) :
’ ’ ’ Return the number o f el em e n t s . ’ ’ ’
p a s s
s t a c k = StackUsingQueue ( )
s t a c k . push ( 1 )
s t a c k . push ( 2 )
s t a c k . push ( 3 )
p r i n t ( s t a c k . top ( ) ) # Output : 3
p r i n t ( s t a c k . pop ( ) ) # Output : 3
p r i n t ( s t a c k . top ( ) ) # Output : 2
s t a c k . push ( 4 )
p r i n t ( s t a c k . pop ( ) ) # Output : 4
p r i n t ( s t a c k . i s em p t y ( ) ) # Output : F al s eImagine a new programming language called FractalScript where arithmetic expressions can include
recursively nested sub-expressions denoted by square brackets […]. The result of a sub-expression is
squared first before being used in the outer expression.Examples:
• Input: “[(2 + 3) * [4 – 1]]”
Output: 2025
Explanation: This is a standard arithmetic expression, evaluating to (2 + 3) * (4 – 1) * (4
– 1) = 45. This is squared to give 2025
• Input: “[2 + 3]”Output: 25
Explanation: The sub-expression 2 + 3 evaluates to 5, which is then squared 25.
• Input: “2 + [3 * 4]”
Output: 146
Explanation: The sub-expression 3 * 4 evaluates to 12. This is squared to give 144, and then
added to 2 to give 146.
• Input: “[2 + 3 * [4 – 1]]”
Output: 841
[ 2 + 3 * [ 4 – 1] ]
[ 2 + 3 * [ 3 ] ]
[ 2 + 3 * 9 ]
[ 29 ]
841The sub-expression 4 – 1 evaluates to 3, and is squared to give 9. Then 2 + 3 * 9, evaluates
to 29, which is squared to give 841.
• Input: “[1 + 2 * [3 – [4 / 2] ] ]”
Output: 9
[ 1 + 2 * [ 3 – [ 4 / 2 ] ] ]
[ 1 + 2 * [ 3 – [ 2 ] ] ]
[ 1 + 2 * [ 3 – 4 ] ]
[ 1 + 2 * [ -1 ] ]
[ 1 + 2 * 1 ]
[ 3 ]
9• Input: “[[[1 + 2] + 3] + 4]”
Output: 21904
[ [ [ 1 + 2 ] + 3 ] + 4 ]
[ [ [ 3 ] + 3 ] + 4 ]
[ [ 9 + 3 ] + 4 ]
[ [ 12 ] + 4 ]
[ 144 + 4 ]
[ 148 ]
• Input: “2 * 3 + [4 – 1] * 5”
Output: 51
2 * 3 + [ 4 – 1 ] * 5
2 * 3 + [ 3 ] * 5
2 * 3 + 9 * 5
6 + 45
51Write a Python function fractal eval that takes a string expr representing a valid FractalScript
arithmetic expression and evaluates it.
The expression may contain:
• Positive integer operands• The binary operators +, -, *, and / (integer division)
• Square brackets […] for recursive sub-expressions
• Parentheses (…) for standard grouping and precedence
Standard operator precedence rules apply, with […] having the highest precedence, followed by round
brackets, / and *, then + and -.Hint: Operator precedence in an expression with no FractalScript subexpressions can be handled
easily with Python’s eval function. You can use either recursion or a stack based method to evaluate
fractal eval. We encourage you to try both ways.
This question will be marked out of 35 for correctness:
• 30/30: Pass all 7 of the provided test inputs.
• 24/30: Pass any 5 of the provided test inputs.
• 12/30: Pass any 3 (or more) of the provided test inputs.
• 6/30: Pass any of the provided test inputs.Overview: Unix paths are used to specify the location of files and directories within a computer’s file
system. These paths consist of a series of directories separated by forward slashes (/). The paths can
also include special components:
• “.” refers to the current directory
• “..” signifies the parent directory of the current directory (e.g., the directory above the current
one)• The first / of the path denotes the root directory
• Consecutive forward slashes // are treated as a single slash /
Task: In this question, you will implement a function simplify path(path) that simplifies a given
Unix-style file path using a list to represent your stack.The function must process the path and return the shortest simplified path as a string that:
• Always starts with a / character
• Applies the special characters . or ..
• Contains no consecutive slashes //
• Removes any trailing / characters
If the path does not begin with a /, then return Invalid Path.
Input: /home//foo/../bar
Return: /home/bar
Input: /a/./b/../../c/
Return: /c
Input: /../
Return: /
Input: /a//b////c/d/././..
Return: /a/b/c
Input: home/foo/./bar/../
Return: Invalid Path• Your stack implementation must utilize a list data structure
• Built-in methods for path simplification (such as os.path) are strictly prohibited
• Use of the .split() method is strictly prohibited
• The input path will always be a valid string containing only lowercase letters, /, ., and ..
• The input string path will have a length of: 1 ≤ len(path) ≤ 100Marking Rubric: The code must solve the problem algorithmically. If there is any hardcoding (e.g.,
if path == “/foo/bar/..”: return “/foo”) for the provided test cases, zero correctness marks
will be given.
This question will be marked out of 35 for correctness:
• 30/30: Pass all 20 of the provided test inputs.
• 24/30: Pass any 19 of the provided test inputs.
• 12/30: Pass any 8 (or more) of the provided test inputs.
• 6/30: Pass any of the provided test inputs.3 Writing and testing your solution
For the programming questions, you should edit the provided files and add your solution. You can
check your solution by running driver.py. You can see the output of your program in the Output/
folder, and any errors in the Error/ folder.
Please do not change the driver file, only edit the solution file.You can run the driver in a terminal as follows (assuming your working directory is the assignment
$ cd a s si gnmen t 1
$ cd Que s ti on 1
$ python3 d r i v e r . py
All t e s t s p a s sed !
Please add your name, student number, ccid, operating system and python version at the top of each
solution file by replacing the provided comments.4 Submission Instructions (10 points)
Please follow these submission instructions carefully. Correctly submitting all files is worth 10 points.
In these files, you must replace ccid with your own ccid. Your ccid is the first part of your UAlberta
email (ccid@ualberta.ca). Do not zip any of these files.Please submit the following files to eclass:
• ccid writtenQuestions.pdf : Your answers to all written questions should be in this one pdf
• ccid solutionQuestion1.py : Edit the provided file for question 1. After your solution passes
all test cases (which you must test using the driver), rename the file to include your ccid, that
is, ccid solutionQuestion1.py and submit it to eclass.
• ccid solutionQuestion2.py : Edit the provided file for question 2. After your solution passes
all test cases (which you must test using the driver), rename the file to include your ccid, that
is, ccid solutionQuestion2.py and submit it to eclass.

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[SOLVED] Cmput 274 assignment 2