[Solved] CmpE150.03 Homework 5-SiNiR compiler


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In this homework, you are going to implement the SiNiR compiler. The details are as follows:

Given a file named calc.in, your program should check whether there are any syntax errors. There will always be a file named calc.in There will be no tab character in the file.

  • If there is a syntax error,

Create a new file, named calc.out and print Dont Let Me Down inside.

  • If there are no syntax errors,

Create a new file, named calc.out and print Here Comes the Sun inside.

  • Do not print out anything to the terminal in the submitted file. in is composed of three parts. If one of those parts are missing, there is a syntax error.
AnaDegiskenler >>>>


<mid-statement<mid-statement<mid-statement ..



The general structure of calc.in should be in the following form:

  • Empty lines are allowed anywhere in the file.
  • Spaces are allowed at any point unless specified. There should be no space in the shaded sequences. For example, there might be space before AnaDegiskenler or after; however there should be no space between <digit>.<digit>.
  • The file should start with the AnaDegiskenler If not, there is a syntax error.
  • There are zero or more <init-statement>s after AnaDegiskenler Each <init-statement> should be in a single line. If not, there is a syntax error.
  • The file then continues with the YeniDegiskenler If not, there is a syntax error.
  • There are zero or more <mid-statement>s after the YeniDegiskenler Each <mid-statement> should be in a single line. If not, there is a syntax error.
  • The file continues with the Sonuc If not, there is a syntax error.
  • There is zero or one <final-statement> after the Sonuc <final-statement> should be in a single line. If not, there is a syntax error.


  • The language is case sensitive.
  • Keywords cannot be used as variable names.


is constructed by

<var-name> degeri <value> olsun

Any number of spaces (including space and tab) are allowed in <init-statement> <var-name> is composed of at most ten alpha-numeric characters The same variable cannot be assigned more than once.

<value> := <a-term> | <l-term>

the above line means that <value> can be <a-term> or <l-term>

<a-term> := <digit> | <digit>.<digit> | <t-digit> | <t-digit> nokta <t-digit>

<digit> := 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

<t-digit> := sifir | bir | iki | uc | dort | bes | alti | yedi | sekiz | dokuz

<l-term> := dogru | yanlis

If above rules do not hold, its syntax error.


is constructed by

<var-name> degeri <expression> olsun

Any number of spaces are allowed in <mid-statement> <var-name> is composed of at most ten alpha-numeric characters the same variable cannot be assigned more than once.

<expression> := <arith-expr> | <logic-expr>

i.e. <expression> should be either <arith-expr> or <logic-expr>

<var-name> will be of type float if it is <arith-expr>

<var-name> will be of type boolean if it is <logic-expr>

<arith-exp> := <open-paran> <arith-exp> <close-paran>

:= <arith-exp> <binaop> <arith-exp>

:= <a-term>

:= <a-var-name>

<open-paran> := ( | ac-parantez

<clos-paran> := ) | kapa-parantez

<binaop> := + | | * | arti | eksi | carpi

<a-var-name> should represent a variable of type int or float <a-var-name> should be defined in the previous lines.

<logic-exp> := <open-paran> <logic-exp> <close-paran>

:= <logic-exp> <binlop> <logic-exp>

:= <l-term>

:= <l-var-name>

<binlop> := ve | veya

<l-var-name> should represent a variable of type boolean <l-var-name> should be defined in the previous lines.

If above rules do not hold, its syntax error.

<final-statement> is constructed by:


The same rules for <expression> apply (as above). Any number of spaces are allowed in <final-statement> If above rules do not hold, there is a syntax error.

Submission: You will submit a single python file over Moodle. Your .py file should be named with the underscore character (_) followed by your student number (e.g. _2019700030.py).

Your homework will be evaluated in different categories so that you can collect partial points:

A Correctly parse the file without any <init-statement>, <midstatement>, <final-statement> +5 If the code fails in this test case, the absolute grade will be zero
B Correctly parse <init-statement>s composed of only integers +10
C Correctly parse <init-statement> composed of combination of integers, floats and booleans +15
D Correctly parse <mid-statement>s composed of only integers +10 No variable is used on the right side of the statement (after degeri)
E Correctly parse <mid-statement>s composed of combination of integers, floats, booleans +15 No variable is used on the right side of the statement (after degeri)
F Correctly parse <mid-statement>s composed of only integers and integer variables +15 This requires also clearing B
G Correctly parse <mid-statement>s composed of any operand +15 This requires also clearing C
X Correctly parse any file +15 This requires also clearing G

Late Submission: Allowed with penalty: -% 10*(number_of_days_late)^2. Example case: You are 2 days late, and you got 90 from evaluation. You will get 90 * (1 0.4) = 54 as your final grade. You will get 0 if you are more than 3 days late.

Example calc.in files (more will be provided)

AnaDegiskenler x degeri 4 olsun x1 degeri 2 olsun a degeri dort olsun b degeri uc nokta dort olsun y degeri 8 olsun z degeri 3.2 olsun b1 degeri dogru olsun b2 degeri yanlis olsun YeniDegiskenler t1 degeri x + ( y ) z olsun

t4 degeri x arti ac-parantez y kapa-parantez eksi z olsun t2 degeri ( t4 + ac-parantez ( ( y ) ) z ) kapa-parantez olsun t3 degeri b1 ve b1 ve ( b2 veya b1 ) olsun

Sonuc x arti ac-parantez y kapa-parantez eksi z

AnaDegiskenler YeniDegiskenler



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[Solved] CmpE150.03 Homework 5-SiNiR compiler