Lab 1: build an OS
- Objective: successfully install a Linux system with all basic capabilities
- Recommend OS to install: openSUSE Leap 42.1SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 12 SP1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7CentOS 7 Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS)
- Create your own user, and make it into sudoer list
- Provide your own way to implement sudo group privilege The more the better
Lab 1: Initialize a Service
- We will start to build an IaaS service system, called Docker, and we will establish services from your system in the following classes
- Go through the process of building a solid docker service running on your laptop or your virualized devices
- Help Links:
Lab 1: Docker Image Deployment
- Objective: finish the Docker Service initialization
- This is a basic Docker Service initialization process
- Test it and run it in your own platform
- Find your liked image from docker hub
- My favorite would be golang image, find it and deploy it
- Run a simple Golang hello world from this image
- In your lab report, provide your input during the whole process
- For those who said our homework is easy, you are welcome
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