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[SOLVED] CIVIL 507 – 2024 Term Project Controlling Structural Vibrations C/C


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CIVIL 507 – 2024

Term Project

Controlling Structural Vibrations.


The purpose of this project is to investigate problems related to vibrations in structures. The   nonlinear response of selected structures may also be investigated. A list of topics that can be investigated is provided below:

1) Vibrations induced by people: Pedestrian bridges; Floors with walking people; Floors for sport or dance activities; Floors with fixed seating and spectator galleries;

High-diving platforms

2) Machinery-induced vibrations: Machine foundations and supports; Bell towers; Structure-borne sound; Ground-transmitted vibrations

3) Wind-induced vibrations: Buildings; Towers; Chimneys and Masts; Guyed Masts; Pylons; Suspension and Cable-Stayed Bridges; Cantilevered Roofs

4) Vibrations induced by traffic and construction activity: Roads; Railways; Bridges; Construction Work

5) Earthquake-induced vibrations: Buildings; Bridges; Dams; Towers; Chimneys and Masts; Underground structures.

If there is a topic of interest to you that is not included in the list above, please discuss it with the course instructor.

Project Requirements.

A) Topic Selection: Select one structural system that maybe sensitive to vibrations for your investigation.    A good starting point are the papers from the Journal of Sound and Vibration, the Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics and the proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) and the International Operational Analysis Conference (IOMAC).    Consult with the course instructor before proceeding with your term paper.

B) Literature Review: Conduct a critical review of the literature regarding the vibration problems associated with the structure selected, and how such problems can be minimized or removed completely. Identify proposed methods to control or minimize vibrations and discuss their merits and limitations.

C) Case Studies: Select two (2) case studies to illustrate how a vibration can be minimized or controlled. You may use simple hand calculations or more sophisticated computer analysis to show how your method is effective in controlling vibrations. Provide a clear description of each problem and discuss the general applicability of the solution method used.

All assumptions must be justifiable and clearly stated. You can also select a proposed method of vibration control and demonstrate why the method does not work, or the conditions under which the method may work.

D) Report: Your project report should be prepared individually, although it is encouraged to discuss your findings and solutions with your classmates. Your report will be submitted in electronic form. only, and will consist of two parts. The two parts of the report should be electronically submitted via CANVAS. E-mailing the report to the course instructor is permitted, but if the files are too big they should be submitted in a CD or USB memory stick.

The first part is your report about the literature search and a summary of your findings. The two case studies will also be part of this report. If computer analyses are conducted as part of this work, the input and output files should also be submitted. The suggested length of the body of your report is not more than 25 pages. Copies of papers and reference material can also be submitted as appendices. There is no limit on the number of pages included in the appendices.

The second part of your report will consist of a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes in 12 slides or less the work that you have done.

Submission deadline.

The submission date of the report is 6th December at 23:00. Reports submitted after the deadline will be deducted 10 marks/day

Project Evaluation

The submitted report will be evaluated in terms of its presentation and content. Marks will be assigned as follows:

Structural Dynamics Term ProjectEvaluation Sheet

Student Name:

Presentation (15%):

Organization (3%):


Readability & Clarity (5%):


Composition (spelling & grammar) (4%):


Quality of graphics (3%):


Contents (85%):

Introduction (10%):


Literature Review (15%)


Report contents (35%):


Objectives and Scope

Statement of Problem

Mathematical Approach


Illustrative Example (20%)




Practical relevance

Summary / Discussion (5%):


Other (Supporting Info.) (10% extra)


Tardiness (reduction: 10 marks per day):




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[SOLVED] CIVIL 507 – 2024 Term Project Controlling Structural Vibrations C/C