CEGE0057 Advanced Civil Engineering Materials: Individual Coursework Brief
Reinforced concrete is the most widely used modern construction material in the world, where concrete composed of cement, water and aggregates provides the compressive strength, while steel reinforcement improves the tensile and shear properties and provides a degree of crack resistance. Nowadays, one of the major challenges facing civil engineers and construction industry is to provide sustainable and durable infrastructures to society. Increasing emphasis has been placed on finding advanced materials that can fulfil such requirements to reduce the environmental impact, repair and maintenance costs and extend the lifetime of concrete infrastructure.
The Brief
In this coursework, you will briefly explain the meaning of sustainability and durability and make a comprehensive analysis and an in-depth discussion on the effective ways to improve sustainability and durability of reinforced concrete infrastructure, with particular focus on the use of advanced civil engineering materials as alternatives to conventional reinforced concrete considering its constituents. The discussion should cover (but not limited to), the main contents of this course, including sustainability and construction materials, fibre reinforced composites, advanced concrete, and advanced steel to demonstrate an understanding of these advanced civil engineering materials and material selection for engineering applications. The relevant concepts or mechanisms can be explained with the help of simple but clear diagrams.
You are expected to complete this coursework within 5 days. The submission is in the form of a report that can be typed or hand-written and should not exceed 7 sides of A4 including relevant, correctly labelled and captioned graphs and tables of data (not including reference list). If it is typed, please use margins of 2 cm in all directions, 12-point Times New Roman font, single line spacing, and one column, where possible. The mark scheme (below) takes into account the range of information sources used. All sources of references included in the report should be correctly acknowledged in a standard citation format (preferably using Harvard style of referencing). The report must be submitted in PDF format with a file name of CEGE0057_YourFirstName (e.g. CEGE0057_Richard) to Turnitin via Moodle (submission link under ‘Coursework – Individual Report’), which can be used to check for similarity and plagiarism.
The deadline for submission is 5pm on 17th January 2025 (GMT).
Marking Scheme
The following mark scheme will be adopted for the coursework. The coursework mark is worth 80% of the total course mark:
Mark |
Description |
80% or more |
An outstanding submission into which exceptional effort has gone, shows significant insight into advanced materials and material selection for sustainable and durable concrete infrastructure, either extending beyond the topics covered in lectures, or, if limited to those topics, applying them in novel ways. Sources of information are extensive and well-documented. Presentation is of a professional standard. Communication is very clear and shows imagination in using the limited space available. |
70-79% |
An excellent report shows good understanding of advanced materials and material selection for sustainable and durable concrete infrastructure. The purpose, limitations and key arguments of the report have been clearly articulated. A varied range of information sources has been used. Presentation is generally clear and precise. |
60-69% |
A good report shows some understanding of material selection for sustainable and durable concrete infrastructure but misconceptions or gaps in knowledge in key areas are also apparent. Information sources are sound but limited in scope. Communication merely adequate. Possibly some misunderstandings are present, or the depth of knowledge is limited. |
50-59% |
A satisfactory report that has been adequately put together. Some basic understanding of advanced materials and material selection for sustainable and durable concrete infrastructure is shown. There is some treatment of the theoretical concepts and evidence of background reading, but topic is not explored in any depth and information sources are limited. Little ability at engineering communication is shown. |
40-49% |
An unsatisfactory report with very limited submission deficient in insight, evidence of research and evidence of understanding. Very poorly communicated. |
39% or less |
A poor report. The work is superficial and poorly thought through. There is no evidence of theory or background reading. Poor use of language, grammar and absence of referencing. |
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