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[SOLVED] CEGE0015 Environmental Systems Environmental Disaster Report 2024-25 Matlab


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CEGE0015: Environmental Systems

Environmental Disaster Report



Brief and assessment criteria

Your overall aim is to use an environmental disaster as a case study to investigate the impact on different environmental systems. In order to do this, you will have to carry out research into the environmental disaster assigned to you and discuss how different systems have been affected as well as looking into possible solutions to the problem.

You have been assigned one of the following disasters to investigate:

1.  Sanchi oil tanker collision in 2018

2.  Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011

3.  Ivory Coast toxic waste dump in 2006

4.  Haiti earthquake in 2010

5.  Brumadinho dam disaster in 2019

6.  Australian bushfire season 2019-20 (Black Summer)

This assessment makes up 40% of the final module mark for CEGE0015 and will be double marked by the module coordinator and another member of staff. You will write a report of no more than 2500 words (not including title page, figure legends and references) which will need to cover the following:

•   A description of the environmental disaster outlining how it came about and the various factors that led to it. (25 marks)

•   An assessment of how different environmental systems were affected by the disaster. (35 marks)

•   An assessment of how human health was affected by the disaster. (25 marks)

•   Overall layout should be neat with no spelling or grammatical errors using

Harvard, or similar, referencing style. (15 marks). Exceeding the word limit will result in a penalty being applied.


The assignment is due on Monday 20th January 2025 at 5 pm.

You will submit the assignment anonymously on Moodle through Turnitin in PDF format as a single file.

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[SOLVED] CEGE0015 Environmental Systems Environmental Disaster Report 2024-25 Matlab